Alarming Number Of Current Day Events Show Amazing Parallels Between Modern Democrats And The Nazi Party Of WW2 And Now They’re Indoctrinating Our Children Like ‘Nazi Youth’


by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

ANP reported on June 15th in this linked story that to properly ‘dissect‘ the ‘great deception‘ that was now being cast upon America, we needed to understand ‘Operation Paperclip,‘ a secret United States intelligence program in which more than 1,600 German scientists, engineers, and technicians were taken from the former Nazi Germany to the U.S. for government employment after the end of World War II in Europe, between 1945 and 1959.

Conducted by the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA), and largely carried out by special agents of the U.S. Army’s Counterintelligence Corps (CIC), including many former members and former leaders of the Nazi Party, we’d also reported within that story that to properly understand ‘true history’ and understand what has long been hidden from us, we had to understand that the US govt not only ‘allowed,‘ but ‘encouraged,‘ those Nazi war criminals to infiltrate the US govt.


Setting our government up to be ‘overthrown‘ and ‘overtaken‘ by ‘enemies of America’ long ago, we also reported within that story on Steve Quayle’s book, “The Empire Beneath The Ice,” a book within which Steve discusses those hidden truths, including How the Nazi’s WON World War II,” and why almost everything we’ve learned about World War II and the defeat of Nazi Germany is wrong.

And while most Americans to this day would call such a claim a ‘conspiracy theory,’ as we’ll be seeing within this story, there are a startling and alarming number of ways that today’s ‘modern left‘ resembles the Nazi party that America of the long distant past went to war against, and a startling number of behaviors and ‘emerging parallels‘ between Nazi Germany and the Democrat party of today that must be examined to see what’s really going on now, with overwhelming evidence being the Biden administration support of the ‘very real’ Nazi’s in Ukraine, and some seen among the Wagner group.

By D. Parker – Crybullies and Beyond: Four Additional Ways the Left Resembles Nazis – Still more startling commonalities between today’s leftists and the Nazis. There have been many.  

As the far left keeps on pushing perversion month, these are four more ways that suggest they are acting like a National Socialist party. 

Question: How do you make sure the solemn promise made to the survivors and the memory of the Holocaust with its call for Never Again is fulfilled, without remembering the history of what really happened?

Do you keep on identifying the emerging parallels in current events to what happened in Germany in the 1930s? Maintaining a record of what happened to compare it to new developments so that the same thing cannot happen ever again, presenting these facts even though they may risk hurting the feelings of the far left?

Or do you bury the facts of recent history under ridiculous rules and illogical lies to support one political point of view?

That alone ensures that it can happen again simply because of the lies. Illogical lies can only be propped up by intimidation and endless repetition. 

The obvious answer is that you keep on pointing out the parallels despite the political motivations of those who wish to suppress these discussions.

It speaks volumes that one side of the political spectrum is afraid of the truth and tries to hide it behind ridiculous rules and ‘laws’ that are always conveniently dropped when they want to falsely condemn the pro-freedom right.

Nevertheless, we’re going to continue because you only catch flak when you’re over the target and there are still so many parallels between the current left in the states and the National Socialist German Workers’ (Nazi) Party.

Here are four new examples not discussed in my earlier pieces.

The far left and the Nazis insist on indoctrinating children 

We shouldn’t have to spend that much time documenting this particular parallel with what is taking place in our society, schools, and certain stores. It should be obvious that this is a form of indoctrination or recruitment into their cult. 

They always insist on performing before young impressionable children and indoctrinating youth in school instead of educating them, why?

We all know the reason, it’s the same reason that the National Socialist German Workers’ (Nazi) Party insisted that children join the Hitler Youth and that the Soviets insisted that children join the Komsomol.

This similarity is in combination with the fact that as collectivists, they think that children belong to society to mold and shape as they please. As in the WW2 Animated Film by Walt Disney (isn’t that ironic?) entitled: Education for Death- The Making of the Nazi (1943).

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