Cover-up? U.S. Navy says it detected Titan sub implosion DAYS ago


by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

Secret underwater microphones designed to detect enemy submarines were the first to detect the Titan tragedy. And they did so days ago just hours after the submersible began its voyage, pointing to a coverup.

The United States Navy began listening for the Titan almost immediately after the sub lost communications with its support ship, according to a U.S. defense official. Not long after that, the U.S. microphone system picked up what was thought to be the sound of an implosion near the debris site.


Following the detection, officials reported the findings to the commander on site, which was later suspected to be the sound of the OceanGate Expeditions vessel being destroyed.

“The U.S. Navy conducted an analysis of acoustic data and detected an anomaly consistent with an implosion or explosion in the general vicinity of where the Titan submersible was operating when communications were lost,” a senior U.S. Navy official told The Wall Street Journal in a statement.

“While not definitive, this information was immediately shared with the Incident Commander to assist with the ongoing search and rescue mission.”

The name of the specific system that picked up the noises has not been publicly named due to national security concerns.

Titan tragedy rescue mission could cost U.S. taxpayers millions

Titanic (1997) director James Cameron says he received confirmation of the Navy’s sound detection, which he described as a “loud bang,” within an hour of the Navy confirming it.

Cameron says the last week with his knowledge of this “felt like a prolonged and nightmarish charade.”

Cameron also indicated that the Titan crew would have known at the time it was occurring that the submersible’s hull had started to crack. They likely were in the process of trying to resurface when the “catastrophic implosion” occurred.

The fact that Cameron was on the inside of all this simply for directing and Oscar-winning film about the Titanic tragedy admittedly took people by surprise – he is just a director, after all. The Titanic filmmaker, however, has been immersed in real-life deep-sea exploration for many years, we are told.

As for the rescue mission post-disaster, reports indicate that U.S. taxpayers will likely pay millions for it. The U.S. Coast Guard indicated that because of its depth, searching the sea floor for remains will be an extremely difficult task.

Already, according to Chris Boyer, the executive director of the National Association for Search and Rescue, U.S. taxpayers have been billed millions for what has already taken place concerning the matter.

The Coast Guard does not directly charge people for searches, though, because doing so could deter people from seeking lifesaving help. Instead, they just add it to the national debt tab.

Twenty-four-year-old singer-songwriter King Princess, whose real name is Mikaela Mullaney Straus, chimed in with a now-deleted TikTok video in which she criticized the “billionaires” who were aboard the Titan for paying $250,000 a pop to go on such a mission in the first place simply because “they had the money to.”

The “1950” singer is the great-great-granddaughter of Isodor and Idea Straus, who were first-class passengers on the Titanic. Both of them died when the ship sank.

Isodor was the co-owner of the American department store Macy’s, along with his brother Nathan. Isodor also served a short term as a member of the United States House of Representatives before he perished.

While all of this was happening, hundreds of migrants died on a fishing boat that sank off the coast of Greece. Barack Hussein Obama expressed upset that people were so focused on the Titan that they completely missed the migrant tragedy.

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