What lies behind U.S. government’s bizarre anti-Russia obsession? Is there anything the U.S.-European globalists won’t risk in pursuit of Russia’s demise?


by Leo Hohmann, Leo Hohmann:

There is an element within the U.S. government, and I believe it is the dominant element, that will do literally anything to get the U.S./NATO involved in a full-fledged war with Russia.

When the leaders of Ukraine and Russia seemed ready to sit down and talk out their differences in April 2022, shortly after Russia invaded, former British PM Boris Johnson was sent to Kiev to throw cold water on the idea of a negotiated peace. Ukraine is the white-hot linchpin for a broader anti-Russian obsession of the neocon Uniparty that resides in Washington but runs through London, Brussels, Paris and Berlin. As seen through the eyes of these globalists, modern Ukraine is about to fulfill its long-awaited mission. It was designed for this moment, to act as a wedge between East and West. It is uniquely qualified to pull the world into a global conflagration and set it aflame.

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The end game of these Western globalists is nothing short of regime change in the Kremlin and the carving up of Russia, a 1,000-year-old nation, into a collection of separate states.

Ben Norton writes at Monthly Review:

“After the overthrow of the USSR, neoconservative operative and future Vice President Dick Cheney wanted to slice up Russia into several smaller countries. Former U.S. National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski even published an article in elite Foreign Affairs magazine in 1997 proposing to create a ‘loosely confederated Russia–composed of a European Russia, a Siberian Republic, and a Far Eastern Republic.’”

There was even a virtual congressional hearing livestreamed on YouTube one year ago, on June 23, 2022, in which a group called the Helsinki Commission openly discussed the balkanization and “de-colonization” of Russia.

Since at least the end of World War II, these war-mongering globalists have taken control of the U.S. State Department, the Department of Defense, and every federal agency that has anything to do with U.S. foreign policy, intelligence gathering, finance and law enforcement. President John F. Kennedy tried to go against their wishes by pursuing more of a peace-centered foreign policy (he wanted to start by shutting down the CIA). Kennedy paid for it with his life.

This cabal is often referred to by its political opponents as “neoconservative” and “neoliberal” but what makes them unique is their bloodlust and their determination to create a global “one-world” system based on the merging of certain aspects of communism and fascism. The difference between it and former evil empires is that this one would have the ability to surveil everyone in real time with the aid of today’s advanced technology. They are closely tied in with the military-industrial complex that President Eisenhower warned about in his farewell address. They are also tied in with secret societies that President John F. Kennedy warned about before he was assassinated. Their closest foreign ally is the United Kingdom but the whole movement is Euro-centric with their main think tanks being the U.S.-based Council on Foreign Relations, the U.K.-based Royal Institute of International Affairs, and the Trilateral Commission, among others.

But regardless of what you call them, or how you describe them, here’s what every American needs to know: They will stop at literally nothing to foment war because it is out of chaos that they plan to build their new world order.

If you think about it, there is no bigger example of chaos than World War III.

These are the same people who got us involved in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Somalia, etc.

Those machinations were bad enough. But now they are conniving to get us involved in a war, a world war with another nuclear power, Russia, that would have a hellish outcome for all nations involved for years to come.

They might think they can contain the war to a few tactical nukes or “dirty bombs” going off, nothing like a massive ICBM, but that’s a crap shoot. Once the first bomb goes off, no matter from where, all bets are off and it’s off to the races.

These warmongering neocon/neoliberal interests make up the Uniparty in Washington, which means they control not only the White House but both houses of Congress, including a majority of the politicians in both major parties.

Two of their main stooges in the U.S. Senate are Senators Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, and Richard Blumenthal, Democrat of Connecticut. These two senators called a press conference on June 22 that sent a chilling message. Watch the 14-minute video below for details.

Russia has problems of its own and I am not in any way suggesting that they have pristine values in the current situation in Eastern Europe. But there is nothing Russia has done that would in any way, shape or form justify World War III or the use of nuclear weapons. Yet, this is exactly what the U.S. government appears hell bent on provoking.

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