Vaccines not only cause SADS they also cause SIDS – and have done so for decades


by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

Once A MidWestern Doctor (“MWD”) realised the public was becoming aware of the covid-19 “vaccines” causing sudden adult death syndrome (“SADS”), MWD decided we’d reached a point where something else needed to be focused on – vaccines causing sudden infant death syndrome (“SIDS”).


Healthy Adults are Not the Only Ones Who Have Been Killed by Vaccines

By A MidWestern Doctor

This is an issue that is near and dear to my heart because the primary vaccine that is responsible for SIDS – diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus (“DTP”) – caused severe brain injuries in two members of my extended family, one whom we were eventually able to treat and one who remains a developmentally disabled adult, and a moderate brain injury within my immediate family. This is relevant to SIDS because the best explanation I have found for the condition is that it results from one specific type of brain injury that happens to be fatal because the injury impairs the brain’s ability to breathe automatically.

I feel the subject of SIDS is particularly important to speak out about because while babies are conscious and often make it abundantly clear they do not want to be vaccinated again if they previously had an adverse reaction to vaccination, very few people register the infants are trying to communicate this. I hence have some sympathy for the signs not being recognised in nonverbal infants (as that’s harder to spot), but it has always deeply bothered me when they are also ignored in young children who are forcefully restrained as they plead not to be vaccinated.

A key difference between adult and childhood vaccine injuries is that while sudden cardiac deaths in athletes are impossible to ignore, and the covid vaccine-injured adults have been quite vocal in expressing what happened to them, very few people besides the parents can recognise anything ever happened to a child. When you then consider how hard it has been for the covid vaccine-injured (or killed) adults to have their stories listened to, you begin to see how much of an uphill battle is faced by the vaccine-injured children who lack a voice entirely. In many cases, once the individual grows up, they don’t even realise they experienced trauma as a child that still impacts them to this day until they start looking into why they’ve always had certain issues they can’t get rid of (e.g., a visceral phobia to needle injections).

Note: One of the common things the medical system will do is label a politically inconvenient disease (e.g., because it was caused by a toxin that was put into the environment no one wants to acknowledge) as a “syndrome.” This holds true for many of the complex illnesses patients struggle with, which I covered in THIS article about how the same playbook we saw used for SADS is used for many other illnesses.

One of the great tragedies about SIDS is that vaccines causing SIDS has been known within the vaccine safety community for decades (e.g., numerous doctors have spoken out on it countless parents have protested for it to be recognised) yet almost no one knows about it. Beyond it not being accepted by the medical community (who will be inherently close-minded towards anything challenging their mythologies), much of the general public is not aware this is an issue either.

This is incredible because there is a century of evidence showing how and why vaccines – particularly DTP – cause SIDS, including some very compelling ones from the recent lockdowns. Furthermore, many of the same issues that DTP causes in children mirror what the spike protein injections cause in adults, something which again illustrates the importance of understanding this issue.

For this reason, I put together a comprehensive article summarising that evidence (along with the common rebuttals used to dismiss it) so people could decide for themselves if an issue existed. A few weeks ago, Dr. Pierre Kory tweeted out that article and it went viral. This suggested many share my concerns on this subject, including some who had direct experience with SIDS after a vaccination:

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