A Repeat of History, Puts the 2024 Election in the Crosshairs


by George McClellan, America Outloud:

What Americans are experiencing today and do not recognize as such is a nearly modern repeat of what happened in Concord, Massachusetts, in 1775. Then, British “Regulars” were sent to seize the guns, powder, and cannon of Britain’s American Colonists in an attempt to neutralize a potential rebellion over a tax. It was the “shot heard around the world.” A minority of those American Colonists, well, enough anyway, chaffed under the boot of British demands that the Colonists house and feed the King’s regular army, and an increase in a tea tax was necessary. Some protest demonstrations against that tax had to be made to convey their displeasure. Thereafter, the famous “Boston Tea Party” entered the history books.

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In response, the government’s reaction, inflamed by the demonstration of dumping a load of untaxed tea into Boston Harbor and blamed on a group of rascally Indians, was the spark that ignited the rebellion we celebrate today on July 4th. The King’s government, straining under the cost of supporting an army after the French Indian War (1754–1763), needed funds to replenish and maintain that army, and a wee tax on imported tea, they thought, should do the trick. Viewing the dumping of their tea as an affront to their sovereignty, the King’s government had to reimpose their authority by force, little realizing that their act, in fact, would plant the seed of a rebellion that would end British rule in America.

The American Colonists didn’t appreciate the King’s Tax and thought the British Army should go home. They were Taxed Enough Already! Not everybody was for it because, like people today, most people then didn’t want to get involved or speak out against the government’s abuse lest they get accused of disloyalty to the crown. However, more and more native-born Colonists viewed themselves less as British subjects and more as Americans. At Concord, the British drew first blood, and the rest is history.

Today, our government led by a senile ol’ King Joe, an addled imitation of George III, sits in our White House spouting out ignorant comments about how MAGA Americans are America’s true domestic terrorists and that the previous President, Donald Trump, is responsible for America’s sad state, economically, militarily and socially. They’re scared to death of him! Joe Biden, employing aggressive dogmatism bordering on absurdity, has altered the term “disloyal to the crown” to mean ungrateful Americans are misogynist transphobes, Jim Crow racists, neo-Nazi fascists, white supremacists, and even KKK’er’s, everything the Democrats are and have been for generations. Americans, born and bred upon the principles of anti-communism, anti-fascism, and equal justice for all, are forced to bear the weight of a real and growing fascist government imitating the same tyranny Americans fought, bled, and died for against a tyrannical Germany in WWII.

In 1775, King George III’s government was a monarchy of sorts, but like today, one actually controlled by an elected government (privileged elites) that moved according to the needs of the “elite” commercial class for the preservation of its empire. It was British supremacy at its best, and the former British subjects, American colonists, built a country and a legacy that appealed to anyone who could take advantage of its opportunities. To a civilized Britain, the speed of commerce was as fast as a wooden sailing ship or a horse-drawn wagon could make it but their policies spread rapidly around the world, leaving in its wake British Common Law, a moral framework based upon the Ten Commandments, Western literature celebrating the achievements of European science and philosophy, recording lessons learned from failed schemes, as well as confirming a contempt for laziness.

The Democrat Party’s dysfunctional policies purposefully killed off America’s production abilities placing our needs, and maybe soon our protection, in the hands of the Chinese Communist Party. Progressive President Bill Clinton started it all when he gave or sold Hughes Aircraft Company’s intercontinental missile guidance systems to the CCP and embraced the NAFTA scheme that cost America its heavy manufacturing industries by sending those production methods to other foreign countries.

Today, we have thousands of unemployed Americans receiving monthly payments to not work while allowing millions of illegals to flood into our country nearly unimpeded, to fill those empty jobs. They come here given free housing, free education, and even free medical care to the exclusion of native-born Americans, especially our America’s military veterans.

The Democrat’s Progressive government, with Joe Biden at the helm, encourages sloth, idleness, and laziness by forging the monetary chains of slavery to the Democrat party. The Progressive government paying the bills for student loans, paying Americans not to work, celebrating the moral decadence of sexual perversion, and demanding that All Americans get on board to celebrate it, too, is the precursor of rebellion. Transgenderism is a debilitating mental disorder. “Only the weakest of men want to physically compete with women, and only the weakest of intellects celebrate them.”

The Democrats keep trying to pull a “Concord and Lexington” scheme on us by attacking our Second Amendment. It’s the Second Amendment that protects our First Amendment, and both are under constant and severe attack by Progressives Democrats, the party of Marx and Engles. So, what are you to do?

Here’s a start: If you are not involved in your local Republican party, well, you need to be. Local GOP Chairmans are preparing to take on the fight to save our country. This means voters must be educated about the many voter frauds that will doubtless take place and stop listening to the lying, deceitful media. Active poll workers and a system that will hold poll managers accountable for their work in every county are required. Additional election laws need to be passed in your state’s 2024 legislative session ahead of the 2024 primary. That means a strong concerted effort is needed to make it happen. If your elected officials are not engaging in the fight, they need to be replaced. There’s a lot of work ahead if we intend to start stamping out Marxism in America. We must start with winning in 2024.

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