Xi Jinping Is Preparing China For A War With The United States


by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

Chinese President Xi Jinping has made reunification with Taiwan one of his most important foreign policy goals.  If he was actually able to pull it off, he would be a national hero in China.  But there is a huge problem standing in his way.  The moment that China invades Taiwan, a war with the United States will begin.  Xi Jinping understands this very well, and so if an invasion of Taiwan is going to happen it must take place at a moment that is favorable to the Chinese.  Many would argue that we will be in such a window of opportunity for about the next year and a half.

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Right now, the U.S. and other western nations are pouring vast amounts of military resources into the conflict in Ukraine.  As a result, they are ill-prepared to militarily confront a Chinese invasion of Taiwan.  In addition, Xi Jinping knows that Joe Biden would not use nuclear weapons if the Chinese move against Taiwan.  It would be a conventional war, and such a scenario would greatly favor China.  But if the Chinese wait until after the next presidential election in the United States, Donald Trump or another Republican could be in the White House, and the risk of sparking a nuclear conflict would go up substantially.

So if Xi Jinping wants to make a move, the clock is ticking.

And over the past few weeks, he has made statements that certainly suggest that he intends to get China prepared for a coming war with the United States.  The following comes from the Wall Street Journal

At a top-level meeting focused on national security on May 30, the Chinese leader said, “We must be prepared for worst-case and extreme scenarios, and be ready to withstand the major test of high winds, choppy waters and even dangerous storms.”

A week later, Xi extended that concept to the economic arena. While inspecting an industrial park in Inner Mongolia, Xi said efforts to build up the domestic market are aimed at “ensuring normal operation of the national economy under extreme circumstances.”

The foreign policy experts that the Journal interviewed for their story clearly understood that Xi was referring to war.

And the only reason the Chinese would be fighting a major war any time soon is if they launch an invasion of Taiwan.

Over the past week, China has continued to send large numbers of military aircraft into Taiwan’s air defense zone

Taiwan’s air force scrambled into action on Sunday after spotting 10 Chinese warplanes crossing the sensitive median line of the Taiwan Strait, as the island’s defence ministry said four Chinese warships also carried out combat patrols.

This is the second time in less than a week that Taiwan has reported renewed Chinese military activity, after 37 Chinese military aircraft on Thursday flew into the island’s air defence zone, some of which then flew into the western Pacific.

They are probing Taiwan’s defenses.

The are looking for weak spots and they are testing to see how the Taiwanese would respond to certain scenarios.

But every time the Chinese send planes and ships toward Taiwan, it will only make tensions in the region even worse.

Of course the U.S. has certainly not helped matters by sending more troops to the island

In February, Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen said American and Taiwan military forces will cooperate “even more closely” and plan to “bolster military exchanges.”

At the time, CNN reported that between 20 and 40 American Marines were routinely based on the island, largely for security operations around America’s unofficial diplomatic outpost.

In April, the Taiwan News reported that America had increased its presence to about 200 troops, according to The Defense Post.

We are repeating the same pattern that we witnessed just before the Russians invaded Ukraine.

The Biden administration just keeps taking steps to aggravate China, and the Chinese just keep taking steps to aggravate the Biden administration.

If we aren’t very careful, at some point the Chinese will be pushed over the edge.

Are we almost there now?

major British news source is telling us that the Biden administration has actually been developing plans for “the evacuation of Americans living in Taiwan”…

The US government is reported to be currently organising the evacuation of Americans living in Taiwan. According to themessanger.com, a senior US intelligence person who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorised to disclose the strategy, reported this evacuation planning has been ongoing for at least six months and has significantly increased over the last few months.

If an evacuation happens, that will be a very clear sign that war is imminent.

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