Video: Woke Teacher Threatens to Punish Students Unless They Watch LGBTQ Propaganda


from InfoWars:

Pride indoctrination is beginning to backfire on the younger generation.

Video going viral on social media shows a California math teacher threatening to punish her students if they refuse to watch an LGBTQ Pride Month video.

The video begins with a classroom of Edison High School students groaning in unison as the Pride video begins, prompting the teacher to threaten them with Saturday school if they keeping acting up.


“Why are you showing this to kids?” one student asks as the screen shows a pair of girls kissing each other.

“Turn it off!” another says.

The math teacher then pipes in, “Hey! I’ll warn you guys now, if you’re going to be inappropriate, I will have supervision down in here for all of you in Saturday school for next year. So knock it off!”

Ironic how the teacher accused the students of being “inappropriate” for not wanting to see compulsory video of 2 girls kiss each other on screen.

And what does Pride have to do with math?

Users on social media called this incident out for what it is: indoctrination.

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