Blinken in Helsinki: The Ugly Face of the Unipolar Order


by Harley Schlanger, LaRouche Organization:

June 9—With an arrogance befitting a conquering emperor, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken demonstrated, in a press conference in Helsinki on June 2, the extreme state of delusion which characterizes the leaders of governments in the TransAtlantic world.  The occasion was to welcome Finland as a member of the NATO alliance, ending its decades-long policy of neutrality.  His comments combined outright falsification of the history of Russian-Finnish relations, with a triumphalism regarding the Ukraine war, in an unconvincing attempt to convince his hosts that they made the right choice by joining the western military alliance.  While purporting to provide an update on the coming glorious success of the much-hyped—and long-delayed—Ukrainian counter-offensive, he was rehashing old talking points, which have nothing to do with the present dire situation on the ground facing NATO-backed Ukrainian forces.


The central theme in his Helsinki performance was that Putin and Russia are failing.  In reality, what he conveyed to all those who live outside the NATO hybrid warfare zone and the western mainstream media bubble, is that he and his TransAtlantic allies are committed to turn NATO’s war against Russia into a permanent war, while pushing NATO’s “eastward expansion” to the Pacific, to create a second front against China.

NATO expansion 1949-2023
At the time of the collapse of the Comecon, the leaders of the the Soviet Union were promised that NATO “would not move and inch eastward”. This map shows NATO’s expansion from 1949 to 2023. Image: CC/Wikimedia

Blinken spoke glowingly of the “strategic failure” of Putin’s “aggression” against Ukraine.  “When you look at President Putin’s long-term strategic aims and objectives, there is no question: Russia is significantly worse off today than it was before its full-scale invasion of Ukraine—militarily, economically, geopolitically”, he asserted.   “Where Putin aimed to project strength, he’s revealed weakness.  Where he sought to divide, he unified.  What he tried to prevent, he precipitated.  That outcome is no accident.  It’s the direct result of the courage and solidarity of the Ukrainian people and the deliberate, decisive, swift action that we and our partners have taken to support Ukraine.”

One wonders where are the “fact checkers” when they are needed?  A simple review would discover Blinken presenting this same scenario one year earlier in an interview with Foreign Affairs, the journal of the Council on Foreign Relations, which regurgitates the line dictated by London-U.S. power elites (“A Conversation with Antony Blinken”, June 1, 2022).  In that interview, given four months into Russia’s special military operation, Blinken said,

“we already see that President Putin has failed to achieve his broader strategic objectives.  Instead of erasing Ukraine’s independence, he strengthened it.  Instead of asserting Russia’s strength, he undermined it.  Instead of dividing and weakening the international order, he’s actually brought countries closer together to defend it.”

Was he plagiarizing himself?  Are Blinken’s speeches prepared by the Artificial Intelligence tool Chat GPT?

Blind to Reality?

Serious military and intelligence officials have to wonder if he truly believes such nonsense.  The general consensus of Pentagon officials, as demonstrated by the recent trove of leaked classified documents, is that there is no way Ukraine and NATO can “win” the war against Russia, and the best case scenario they can project is tying down Russia in an endless conflict.  This was the stated aim of the U.S. Defense Secretary from Raytheon, Lloyd Austin, delivered at the first meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group at Germany’s Ramstein Air Base on April 26, 2022, when he stated that the goal is to “weaken Russia.”

Recent economic reports show that what they hoped would be a war of attrition that would wear down the Russian economy has actually had the opposite effect, of making Russia stronger, while backfiring against the submissive governments of Europe.

As for Blinken and his NATO allies isolating Russia, again, the opposite has occurred.  With the exception of the NATO alliance and its partners in Global NATO from the Five Eyes and Japan, most of the world has rejected supporting sanctions against Russia, and instead is moving away from the collapsing financial system based on the dollar, run by Wall Street and City of London Malthusians  This is an immense political/economic earthquake underway, shaking the foundations of Blinken’s “Unipolar Order”.  He has experienced this first hand in repeated encounters with leaders from the Global South, such as the response given to him by South Africa’s Foreign Minister, Naledi Pandor, who answered his lecture about submitting to the demands of the “Sole Superpower” by reminding him that South Africa “is a sovereign nation”, and he should not come there and think he can force them to drink his “democracy” snake oil!

“I certainly will not be bullied that way, nor will I expect any other African country worth its salt to be treated that way,” she told him.

In fact, in the last months, there has been a near-stampede among nations of the Global South applying for membership in the BRICS, knowing full well of Blinken’s open hostility against the two leading partners of the BRICS, Russia and China.  The support for the BRICS has turned what some call the “Global South” into what Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov is calling the “Global Majority.”  Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov just concluded another successful series of meetings with African leaders, where he was welcomed, and numerous economic deals were signed.

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