More diabolical disorientation? As Canada burns and toxic cloud moves over northern America, a former president gets indicted on 37 charges that could put him away for the rest of his life


by Leo Hohmann, Leo Hohmann:

I am not ready to declare that the Canadian super fire was a deliberate act meant to poison Americans but I have suspected for the last couple of days that there’s more to this story and this is not just your typical wildfire.

I also find it odd that this is the same general area that was affected by the toxic train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, only this time we’re talking about an even larger area. One thing’s for sure, whether these fires were deliberately set or not, the governments of Canada and the U.S., along with their globalist cronies at the United Nations and World Economic Forum, will blame this on “climate change” and use this to bring in more of their one-world Great Reset agenda.


In fact, Biden is already doing just that, saying the fires were a “stark reminder” of how awful the effects of climate change can be.

The Secretary General of the U.N. also tweeted on June 7 that the Canadian wildfires were a symptom of climate change and that “we must make peace with nature.”

Below is an excerpt from an article by Jacob Thompson at The Winepress which provides a lot of food for thought. Jacob lives in northern Indiana near the Michigan border, which is being affected by the toxic smoke.

The catastrophe with these supposed Canadian wildfires that are billowing over and affecting 20 states is a serious issue – an issue with a lot of unanswered questions, radio silence, and things that simply just do not add up. And of course, and unsurprisingly, like clockwork, it’s time for another distraction.

For more details on this current toxic smoke now affecting roughly 20 states – New York, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey becoming the epicenters of the most concentrated toxic smoke and polluted air – then check out yesterday’s report where I examined the media claims, some interesting evidence that suggests there is a lot more to this story than just a basic forest fire, and how this appears to be one of many prophesized acts of “eco terror” to enforce new climate-related mandates, climate lockdowns perhaps.

I live in Northern Indiana very close to the Michigan border, and today the smoke clouds have rolled in. There is a slight haze in the air that you can see in broad daylight, and the blue sky looks a bit fuzzier than usual. I am not smelling anything like some have reported, though I honestly can’t honestly tell if my mind is playing tricks on me; but I can definitely report there is smoke in the air.

As I have said previously, something is seriously sketchy about this whole thing, as there is evidence from radar that shows how a ton of these fires all ignited at once, and almost seem to follow some kind of path; almost as if payload was dropped or strategically released.

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