Is Genocide Too Powerful a Word?


by Eileen F. Toplansky, American Thinker:

Genocide is a potent word.  It refers to the decimation of an entire group.  It results in destruction on a massive scale.  It defies the imagination even though we have often witnessed it in the 20th century.

To most people, it is the concerted evisceration of a particular group, whether they be Jews annihilated by the Nazis, Uyghurs by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), or the Ukrainians by Stalin.  Of the latter, the term Holodomor comes to mind.  It was a man-made famine that affected the Soviet republic of Ukraine from 1932 to 1933, causing mass starvation in grain-growing regions.  In acknowledgment of its scale, the famine is often called the Holodomor, a term derived from the Ukrainian words for hunger (holod) and extermination (mor).”


These events need to be understood as the prelude to global actions that are now convulsing the world and whose ultimate goal is the destruction of human life.

Often begun as a bid for the welfare of humanity, these decisions must be regarded as the “alibis of tyrants” with resultant deadly consequences.

Consider the dictates that have caused and will continue to cause food shortages and starvation.  In his 2014 book titled The War on Humans, Wesley Smith wrote

The anti-human side of today’s environmental movement has many manifestations.

  • The deep ecology movement that would decimate human population to under one billion.
  • The global warning alarmists’ tyrannical and anti-growth tendencies.
  • The … notion of granting legal and enforceable legal ‘rights’ to nature.
  • The concomitant international campaign to criminalize large-scale resource exploitation and land development projects as ‘ecocide.’

At the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa gave a speech bragging about his country’s move toward sustainable agriculture.  Less than a year later, millions of Sri Lanka citizens faced starvation…all a result of his disastrous agricultural and environmental policies.

In the Netherlands, farmers express fury at government drives to tackle nitrogen pollution through a major reduction in numbers of pigs, cattle, and chickens.

In Ireland, geologist Ian Plimer has criticized the move for Ireland to cull 200,000 head of cattle in a bold effort to meet climate targets.  Mr. Plimer said leaders telling primary producers what to do “can only end in disaster” akin to the Irish potato famine, where a third of the Irish population perished.

Here in the U.S., under the guise of conservation, acres of usable farm land are now being expropriated for green deals.

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