Debt Ceiling Explodes, Banks Implode and CV19 Bioweapon/vax Update


by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

The Senate passed the House debt ceiling bill that will keep record high spending for at least two more years.  Actually, there is no debt ceiling as this bill suspends it until 2025.  Let the money printing begin, and now with a turbo charger!!!  The hard part will be financing this pig of a debt deal.  No way the federal government will sell this debt, which sources say will be at least $4 trillion in new spending.  So, the Fed will be forced to monetize it.  Count on much bigger inflation coming soon.


Half of America’s banks are insolvent, according to one overseas report out early last month.  The report was not covered by the Lying Legacy Media (LLM) and largely missed by the Alt media.  The report by the Financial Times says half of America’s 4,800 banks may already be insolvent.  Yikes!!  Maybe this is why Congress is getting ready to print trillions of new dollars.  Is the banking system going to get yet another bailout?  Will the U.S. dollar survive this round of money printing?  To make matters worse, retail giants Costco and Macy’s are warning about a sinking economic forecast.  Add four-fold rising announced layoffs this year, and things are not looking good at all.

Bad news for actor Jamie Foxx.  He’s been in the hospital for more than a month for what was called a “medical complication.”  We now find out the actor has a CV19 vax injury so bad it has left him blind and partially paralyzed.  Is this the injury that will finally bring a spotlight to the dangers of the CV19 bioweapon/vax?  On the other side of the Atlantic, testimony by Dr. David Martin is shedding a light on the CV19 bioweapon/vax because he proves in front of the EU Parliament that is exactly what it is.  He shows records going back to 1990 to prove it.  The video revealing this has gotten 200-million views.  Dr. Martin says this presentation has hit “pay dirt” to wake up the world to the crimes committed with Covid and the CV19 Spike Protein bioweapon/vax.

The LLM has a special role in pushing this huge CV19 bioweapon/vax psyop, and you can see part of it here.

There is much more in the 52-minute news cast.

Join Greg Hunter of as he talks about these stories and more in the Weekly News Wrap-Up for 6.2.23.

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