The Quota States of America


by Brian C. Joondeph, American Thinker:

Surprisingly Martin Luther King Day is still a national holiday. Why hasn’t he been cancelled over his past words that today would be deemed racist or white supremacist, much like the names of townsmountains, or Confederate statues?

As a reminder, MLK once spoke of the true measure of his fellow man, ”I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”


Today “content of character” or merit is deemed racist. If you think I jest, the Education Writers Association asks, “Are merit-based education admissions practices racist?” Why stop with merit. Everything is racist now.  The Seattle Times asks, “Is math racist?” Medium claims that waking up early is rooted in white supremacy. Perhaps I should sleep in more to atone for my alleged privilege.

In America today, everything is viewed through the eye of race and gender, ignoring experience and skills, in favor of fulfilling some arbitrarily defined quotas, all in the name of diversity. In other words, judging people, not by the content of their characters, but solely based on the color of their skin. MLK must be turning over in his grave.

YouTube screen grab

Even Russian president Vladimir Putin recognizes this and quoted MLK in a recent speech about the left’s wokeness. He noted that the majority of Russians don’t think a person’s skin color or gender are important. Instead, he said, “Each of us is a human being. This is what matters.”

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