How The Khazarian Cabal’s Left-Right Psyop Will Determine The 2024 POTUS Election Outcome


from State Of The Nation:

SOTN Editor’s Note: Does anyone really believe the Khazarian Cabal would ever permit the nomination of a POTUS nominee from either major party who is not under their firm control?  Which means the main purpose for any truly independent candidates during this 2024 election cycle is to tell the friggin’ truth—ABOUT EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING!  That’s the very best the American electorate can hope for at this late date.


If RFK Jr or Vivek Ramaswamy are really outside of the cabal’s command and control, they can use this campaign season to drop one truth bomb after another. Should they start right now, they could inflict so much damage inside the Beltway that it would look like a veritable war zone. Such utter devastation brought about via truth weaponry would inevitably lay bare the utter sham of the U.S. Election System.

Therefore, exposing the 2020 naked election theft would completely collapse the confidence of the American people in their exceedingly fraudulent electoral process and procedure.
In light of the irrefutable exposé that follows, the best that can come out of 2024 is the termination of the current regime that surreptitiously controls the elections in all 50 states. Any other goal is nothing but a ludicrous pipe dream the accomplishment of which will only serve to perpetuate and strengthen the swiftly intensifying Khazarian tyranny that has ruled the American Republic since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

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