WHO, What, When, Where & How


by Sayer Ji, Green Med Info:

Every year at the end of May, the World Health Organization gathers its members for a meeting it calls the World Health Assembly (WHA). During the yearly ritual, nation states cast their votes publicly on all matters WHO, after a year of workgroups, committee meetings, and behind-the-scenes negotiations. This year they’re meeting from May 21 through May 30, 2023.

Make no mistake: closed-door meetings happen there too, as they did last year before the U.S.-proposed amendments to the IHR amendment timeline were adopted, accelerating the timeline for making future changes.

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The rest of the U.S. amendments (and more) are on this year’s agenda. WHO officials are saying they’re not up for a vote until 2024, but those keeping an eye on the proceedings know that could change. You can find the draft agenda here.

There’s a lot happening on the global stage. If this were an 80’s street fighting montage, we’re at the point where the bad guy kicks sand in our faces while we try to defend our territory without seeing where the blows are coming from. And we fight on. The good news is that with more and more people waking up and joining the fight, Stand for Health Freedom has a growing cache of resources for your arsenal.

First, watch or listen to Policy Analyst Valerie Borek, J.D. refresh our memories on what the Treaty and IHR Amendments mean for Americans, what we will be watching for at the upcoming WHA, and actions we can take right now to protect American sovereignty. The video covers:

  1. What’s the difference between the treaty and the amendments to the IHR, and which one poses a greater threat?
  2. How can anything done by the WHO make a difference for you and your family?
  3. Can Congress save us? Will the House close the purse strings to starve the WHO of a major monetary asset: U.S. taxpayer dollars?
  4. More than 3 actions we can take right now to best rise to meet the challenges of a threatening global health security state in a way that’s effective and aligned with our values as Americans and as parents.

Next, make sure you take advantage of every tool SHF has to offer. Visit our WHO Resources page for all things global health agenda that we’ve been cataloguing since March of 2022. You’ll find SHF’s calls to action, a petition, as well as a plethora of information about what the WHO is up to — from long-form articles looking back to the WHO’s formation or Biden’s days moving their agenda forward as a senator, or quick-glance printables about the IHR and sovereignty, to interviews, and links to important WHO documents like their constitution.

Last, check to see if your U.S. House representative is one of the original cosponsors of HR79, the WHO Withdrawal Act, or one of more than 26 new cosponsors who signed on after we launched our campaign! If not, you can easily send that lawmaker a message with our pre-drafted email (or write your own) through the SHF site. If you’ve done that, but they’re still not getting the message, SHF can support you in calling your representative to let them know that the WHO is threatening American sovereignty. You’ll find talking points on our quick guide and the phone number for your representative at this link. (Pro tip: Summer is a strategic time to talk to your representatives!)

SHF will stay on top of global health happenings through the World Health Assembly and beyond. We’re grateful to all of you who stand up to contact your representatives, vote for health freedom, educate your friends and family, and support SHF so we can keep you up to date with news and action items that will make an impact. You’re the ones driving the health freedom movement and we’re so grateful to work with you.

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