The Bilderbergers meet in secret for the 69th time


by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

The 69th Bilderberg Meeting, a secretive conclave of global power brokers, kicked off yesterday in Lisbon, Portugal, with issues on the agenda including transnational threats, artificial intelligence, and America’s leadership in world affairs.

About 130 participants from 23 countries have confirmed their attendance.


This year’s meeting, the latest in a series that began in 1954, continues to blur the lines between open diplomacy and clandestine elitism as political leaders brush shoulders with industry bigwigs, media barons, and finance tycoons.

As usual, the details of their discussions remain obscured by the “Chatham House Rule,” a protocol that gives participants the discretion to use the information gleaned from the talks but forbids the identification of speakers or participants, ensuring anonymity.

Among the major topics slated for discussion are artificial intelligence, the banking system, energy transition, and industrial policy and trade. Other high-priority issues include the geopolitical landscapes of Europe, China, India, Russia, and Ukraine, along with NATO and America’s global leadership.

The array of globally influential figures includes NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, with the dynamics of global security cooperation in sharp focus as the war in Ukraine continues with no end in sight.

There’s no shortage of political leaders, including Roberta Metsola, president of the European Parliament, Mark Rutte, prime minister of the Netherlands, and Finland’s outgoing Prime Minister Sanna Marin, who lost an election but continues to serve as part of a caretaker government until a new cabinet is formed.

[Note: There is a known pattern of the NATO Secretary General and heads of state attending Bilderberg meetings.

Wikispooks notes that the top item on the agenda of the 1966 Bilderberg meeting was the reorganising of NATO. Since that meeting, no one has been permanently appointed as NATO Secretary General without first attending at least one meeting of the Bilderberg.

All Dutch Prime Ministers since 1982 have attended the Bilderberg meetings.

Since 1963, only three UK Prime Ministers have not attended the Bilderberg group; John Major, Theresa May and Boris Johnson. Demonstrating that the most common pattern is to attend a Bilderberg meeting before becoming the leader of a political party.

Both Wikispooks and Public Intelligence have participant lists from nearly every Bilderberg meeting since the first in 1954. Public Intelligence also has a collection of thousands of pages of internal Bilderberg correspondence and meeting reports.]

Also in attendance are Didier Reynders, European Commissioner for Justice, Alexander Schallenberg, Austria’s Minister for European and International Affairs, and Ukraine Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba.

“It seems like an awful lot of senior European politicians to be discussing vital topics such as Ukraine, Russia, and NATO, with such senior NATO officials, and with no press oversight and no press conference,” Skelton told The Epoch Times.

Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer, is also on the list of participants, as is Thiel Capital founder Peter Thiel, and John Waldron, president of Goldman Sachs.

Read the full article published by Epoch Times HERE.

Bilderberg Meetings: List of Participants 2023

  1. Abrams, Stacey (USA), CEO, Sage Works Production
  2. Achleitner, Paul M. (DEU), Chair, Global Advisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG
  3. Agrawal, Ajay (CAN), Professor of Economics, University of Toronto
  4. Albares, José Manuel (ESP), Minister of Foreign Affairs
  5. Altman, Sam (USA), CEO, OpenAI
  6. Alverà, Marco (ITA), Co-Founder,; CEO TES
  7. Andersson, Magdalena (SWE), Leader, Social Democratic Party
  8. Applebaum, Anne (USA), Staff Writer, The Atlantic
  9. Arnaut, José Luís (PRT), Managing Partner, CMS Rui Pena & Arnaut
  10. Attal, Gabriel (FRA), Minister for Public Accounts
  11. Balsemão, Francisco Pinto (PRT), Chair, Impresa Group
  12. Barbizet, Patricia (FRA), Chair and CEO, Temaris & Associés SAS
  13. Barroso, José Manuel (PRT), Chair, International Advisors, Goldman Sachs
  14. Baudson, Valérie (FRA), CEO, Amundi SA
  15. Beaune, Clément (FRA), Minister for Transport
  16. Benson, Sally (USA), Professor of Energy Science and Engineering, Stanford University
  17. Beurden, Ben van (NLD), Special Advisor to the Board, Shell plc
  18. Borg, Anna (SWE), President and CEO, Vattenfall AB
  19. Borrell, Josep (INT), Vice President, European Commission
  20. Botín, Ana P. (ESP), Group Executive Chair, Banco Santander SA
  21. Bourla, Albert (USA), Chair and CEO, Pfizer Inc.
  22. Braathen, Kjerstin (NOR), CEO, DNB ASA
  23. Brende, Børge (NOR), President, World Economic Forum
  24. Brink, Dolf van den (NLD), CEO, Heineken NV
  25. Brudermüller, Martin (DEU), CEO, BASF SE
  26. Buberl, Thomas (FRA), CEO, AXA SA
  27. Byrne, Thomas (IRL), Minister for Sport and Physical Education
  28. Carney, Mark (CAN), Vice Chair, Brookfield Asset Management
  29. Cassis, Ignazio (CHE), Federal Councillor, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs
  30. Castries, Henri de (FRA), President, Institut Montaigne
  31. Cavoli, Christopher (INT), Supreme Allied Commander Europe
  32. Ceylan, Mehmet Fatih (TUR), President, Ankara Policy Center
  33. Chhabra, Tarun (USA), Senior Director for Technology and National Security, National Security Council
  34. Creuheras, José (ESP), Chair, Grupo Planeta and Atresmedia
  35. Debackere, Koenraad (BEL), Chair, KBC Group NV
  36. Deese, Brian (USA), Former Director, National Economic Council
  37. Donohoe, Paschal (INT), President, Eurogroup
  38. Döpfner, Mathias (DEU), Chair and CEO, Axel Springer SE
  39. Easterly, Jen (USA), Director, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
  40. Economy, Elizabeth (USA), Senior Advisor for China, Department of Commerce
  41. Ehrnrooth, Henrik (FIN), Chair, Otava Group
  42. Émié, Bernard (FRA), Director General for External Security, Ministry of the Armed Forces
  43. Empoli, Giuliano da (ITA), Political Scientist and Writer, Sciences Po
  44. Entrecanales, José M. (ESP), Chair and CEO, Acciona SA
  45. Eriksen, Øyvind (NOR), President and CEO, Aker ASA
  46. Ferguson, Niall (USA), Milbank Family Senior Fellow, Stanford University
  47. Fleming, Jeremy (GBR), Former Director, GCHQ
  48. Frederiksen, Mette (DNK), Prime Minister
  49. Freeland, Chrystia (CAN), Deputy Prime Minister
  50. Garijo, Bélen (DEU), Chair and CEO, Merck KGaA
  51. Gentiloni, Paolo (INT), Commissioner for Economy, European Commission
  52. Gonzáles Pons, Esteban (ESP), Vice Chair, European People’s Party
  53. Gosset-Grainville, Antoine (FRA), Chair, AXA
  54. Goulimis, Nicky (GRC), Board Member and Co-Founder, Nova Credit Inc.
  55. Griffin, Kenneth (USA), Founder and CEO, Citadel LLC
  56. Gruber, Lilli (ITA), Anchor, La7 TV
  57. Gürkaynak, Refet (TUR), Professor of Economics, Bilkent University
  58. Haines, Avril D. (USA), Director of National Intelligence
  59. Halberstadt, Victor (NLD), Professor of Economics, Leiden University
  60. Hassabis, Demis (GBR), CEO, DeepMind
  61. Hedegaard, Connie (DNK), Chair, KR Foundation
  62. Hofreiter, Anton (DEU), MP; Chair Committee on European Affairs
  63. Holzen, Madeleine von (CHE), Editor-in-Chief, Le Temps
  64. Jensen, Kristian (DNK), CEO, Green Power Denmark
  65. Joshi, Shashank (GBR), Defence Editor, The Economist
  66. Kaag, Sigrid (NLD), Minister of Finance; Deputy Prime Minister
  67. Karp, Alex (USA), CEO, Palantir Technologies Inc.
  68. Kasparov, Garry (USA), Chair, Renew Democracy Initiative
  69. Kieli, Kasia (POL), President and Managing Director, Warner Bros. Discovery Poland
  70. Kissinger, Henry A. (USA), Chairman, Kissinger Associates Inc.
  71. Koç, Ömer (TUR), Chair, Koç Holding AS
  72. Kolesnikov, Andrei (INT), Senior Fellow, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
  73. Kostrzewa, Wojciech (POL), President, Polish Business Roundtable
  74. Kotkin, Stephen (USA), Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University
  75. Kravis, Henry R. (USA), Co-Chairman, KKR & Co. Inc.
  76. Kravis, Marie-Josée (USA), Chair, The Museum of Modern Art
  77. Kudelski, André (CHE), Chair and CEO, Kudelski Group SA
  78. Kuleba, Dmytro (UKR), Minister of Foreign Affairs
  79. Lammy, David (GBR), Shadow Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, House of Commons
  80. Leysen, Thomas (BEL), Chair, Umicore and Mediahuis; Chair DSM-Firmenich AG
  81. Liikanen, Erkki (FIN), Chair, IFRS Foundation Trustees
  82. Looney, Bernard (GBR), CEO, BP plc
  83. Marin, Sanna (FIN), Prime Minister
  84. Metsola, Roberta (INT), President, European Parliament
  85. Micklethwait, John (USA), Editor-in-Chief, Bloomberg LP
  86. Minton Beddoes, Zanny (GBR), Editor-in-Chief, The Economist
  87. Moreira, Duarte (PRT), Co-Founder and Managing Partner, Zeno Partners
  88. Moyo, Dambisa (GBR), Global Economist; Member, House of Lords
  89. Mundie, Craig J. (USA), President, Mundie & Associates LLC
  90. Nadella, Satya (USA), CEO, Microsoft Corporation
  91. O’Leary, Michael (IRL), Group CEO, Ryanair Group
  92. Orida, Deborah (CAN), President and CEO, PSP Investments
  93. Özel, Soli (TUR), Professor, Kadir Has University
  94. Papalexopoulos, Dimitri (GRC), Chair, TITAN Cement Group; Treasurer Bilderberg Meetings
  95. Philippe, Édouard (FRA), Mayor, Le Havre
  96. Pottinger, Matthew (USA), Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Hoover Institution
  97. Pouyanné, Patrick (FRA), Chair and CEO, TotalEnergies SE
  98. Rachman, Gideon (GBR), Chief Foreign Affairs Commentator, The Financial Times
  99. Ramírez, Pedro J. (ESP), Director, El Español
  100. Rappard, Rolly van (NLD), Co-Founder and Co-Chair, CVC Capital Partners
  101. Reynders, Didier (INT), European Commissioner for Justice
  102. Röttgen, Norbert (DEU), MP, German Bundestag
  103. Rutte, Mark (NLD), Prime Minister
  104. Salomon, Martina (AUT), Editor-in-Chief, Kurier
  105. Sawers, John (GBR), Executive Chair, Newbridge Advisory Ltd.
  106. Schadlow, Nadia (USA), Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
  107. Schallenberg, Alexander (AUT), Minister for European and International Affairs
  108. Schmidt, Eric E. (USA), Former CEO and Chair, Google LLC
  109. Schmidt, Wolfgang (DEU), Head of the Chancellery, Federal Minister for Special Tasks
  110. Sebastião, Nuno (PRT), Chair and CEO, Feedzai
  111. Sikorski, Radoslaw (POL), MEP, European Parliament
  112. Silva, Filipe (PRT), CEO, Galp
  113. Stilwell de Andrade, Miguel (PRT), CEO, EDP
  114. Stoltenberg, Jens (INT), Secretary General, NATO
  115. Subramanian, Arvind (INT), Senior Fellow in International and Public Affairs, Brown University
  116. Tellis, Ashley J. (USA), Tata Chair for Strategic Affairs, Carnegie Endowment
  117. Thiel, Peter (USA), President, Thiel Capital LLC
  118. Tsu, Jing (USA), Professor of East Asian Languages and Literatures, Yale University
  119. Tugendhat, Tom (GBR), Minister of State for Security
  120. Vadera, Shriti (GBR), Chair, Prudential plc
  121. Vassilakis, Eftichios (GRC), Chair, Aegean Group
  122. Waldron, John (USA), President and COO, The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
  123. Wallenberg, Marcus (SWE), Chair, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB
  124. Wennink, Peter (NLD), President and CEO, ASML Holding NV
  125. Wright, Thomas (USA), Senior Director for Strategic Planning, National Security Council
  126. Yang, Yuan (GBR), Europe-China Correspondent, Financial Times
  127. Yergin, Daniel (USA), Vice Chair, S&P Global
  128. Yinanç, Barçin (TUR), Journalist, T24 News Website

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