MK Ultra and the Ghost of Ceausescu Are Haunting Serbia – Controlled Destabilisation Is the Message


by Stephen Karganovic, Strategic Culture:

Stunned and bewildered, Serbs are now struggling to find an explanation for the horror they just experienced.

Battered Serbia has just received even more nasty blows. Already traumatised by a multiplicity of psy-op and other assaults, the Balkan nation is now undergoing its bloody “Western values” rite of passage. In the first week of May, in quick succession, events heretofore unimaginable in that country took place in the form of two grisly mass shootings. One occurred in a primary school in Belgrade and the other in a village in the interior, each claiming at least eight innocent lives.


Western countries have grown largely numb to such phenomena, which occur on a regular basis in their societies. But now the “values” which they eagerly export are coming to bloody fruition, in Serbia of all places. It used to be a country that could legitimately take pride in its safe environment. Stunned and bewildered, Serbs are now struggling to find an explanation for the horror they just experienced.

The bewilderment is all the greater because in the Belgrade mass shooting the assassin is a fourteen-year-old primary school pupil. His victims are fellow pupils and several adults on the school’s staff. The other assassin, who randomly shot eight fellow villagers in a rural area about 100 km from Belgrade, is a twenty-one-year-old. There is no clear motive to explain his act, either.

The lack of any known predisposition or criminal violence background in both youthful mass murderers has understandably incited much speculation about what might have made them do it. The known circumstances of both mass killing sprees rule out affective factors and clearly point to calm, collected, and planned psychopathic behaviour, with malice aforethought. In the case of the fourteen-year-old murderer from Belgrade, it was established that he planned his deed meticulously at least a month in advance. He had made a kill list of intended human targets before purloining his father’s gun to carry out the lethal scheme.

Serbian media, control over which is shared by the regime and its Western controllers, have had a field day obfuscating the tragic events. Balkans would not be Balkans, however, if the robotic and dispassionate behaviour of both youthful killers did not attract critical attention. Highly competent psychologists are insisting that they find numerous clues suggesting that the killers may not have acted spontaneously but had been directed to commit their crimes under the influence of mind control programs generally grouped under the label MK Ultra. Observers from the religious domain have pointed out tell-tale behavioural characteristics which, in their opinion, point to demonic possession. Ultimately, the difference between these viewpoints may be more terminological than substantive.

Given Serbia’s precarious position in the current geopolitical confrontation, the seemingly bold MK Ultra hypothesis may be far less outlandish than at first blush might appear. Serbia’s leadership has been served by the “international community” a list of important tasks it must unfailingly accomplish, ranging from the recognition of Kosovo to even closer cooperation with NATO and imposition of sanctions on Russia. Its attempts to delay compliance and wiggle out of its assumed obligations has resulted in the application of fierce pressure in a multiplicity of hybrid forms. Based on the past record, there is no reason to suppose that if it suited their purposes Western curators would be loath to enact tragedies such as have occurred recently, which they certainly have the technical means to do.

The behaviour of Serbia’s little Raskolnikov, the fourteen-year-old Belgrade school shooter, is indicative of the plausibility of precisely such a scenario. He was heavily involved with his peers in video games where human life is deliberately and totally devalued. The morally perverse but assuredly “progressive” Klaus Schwab – Juval Harari universe in which his tender psyche was apparently formed, without much interference by his busy parents, left the boy largely devoid of emotional or moral content. He calmly averred to the psychiatric professionals who examined him that he enjoyed his victims’ screams, has expressed no remorse for his horrid misdeed, and frequently asks when he is going to be released from medical confinement, blissfully unaware of the extreme gravity of the reasons for being there in the first place.

A clever political strategist once made the point that no crisis should be allowed to go to waste. Accordingly, the Serbian massacres are certainly being put to good political use. Massive protest demonstrations “against violence” are popping up out of nowhere in Belgrade and other Serbian cities, seemingly as “spontaneous” as the mass shootings themselves. In a deeply troubled country of political conformists where protests about bread and butter and national identity issues generally draw barely a handful, a protest under the amorphous banner of “opposing violence,” oddly, is attracting tens of thousands. Apart from the obvious fact that violent elements, in Serbia or anywhere else, will be neither impressed nor deterred by purely intellectual opposition to their villainy, there arises the question of who in Serbia has the resources and the infrastructure to fill the streets with so much human flesh? Two clues suggest the answer to that question.

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