Biden Denounces Whites at Black College


from Moonbattery:

Ever digging for new depths, Joe Biden denounced his fellow Caucasians as the greatest threat to America while pandering to the blacks who put him in power at Howard University:

“The most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland is white supremacy,” Biden said during the address.

The racially correct audience applauded.

“I’m not saying this because I’m at a Black HBCU, I say it wherever I go,” Biden added.

HBCU = historically black college/university.


After demonizing whites and pitting nonwhites against them, Biden demonstrated the astonishing capacity for hypocrisy and obliviousness to irony that characterize liberals by denouncing “those who demonize and pit people against one another.” If he were sentient in any meaningful sense, you would have to admire his ability to read this off his teleprompter with a straight face.

Racist hostility to America’s core population explains Biden’s treasonous invitation of foreign invasion. Here he explains how to inflict genocide without the messy extermination camps:

It’s as if Hitler were a Jew, and then used control of the media to convince other Jews to vote for him.

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