Another Federal Scheme To Steal Your Freedom! Biden EO Creates ‘Office of Environmental Justice’


by George McClellan, America Outloud:

Biden and the Democrats are rushing to make Americans more dependent on government before the 2024 elections. They’re not exactly sure they’re going to win again. Biden threatens our currency, wanting to replace it instead with digital currency to influence our personal finances. He terrorizes our freedom of transportation by killing off our energy independence and mandating expensive subsidized Green Energy schemes, especially EV cars and trucks. He has promised the total elimination of fossil fuels citing the dangers of Climate Change, the most significant fraud next to transgenderism to be perpetrated on today’s world.


Obama wanted a national police force equally armed like the military. Short of getting it, he opted to suborn certain local city police departments that were ill-equipped to deal with Antifa and BLM outrages like occurred in many Blue cities. Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi took that idea a step further by wanting to enlarge the uniformed Capitol Police Force by opening offices in every state for the protection of members of Congress. I don’t know how far that idea has progressed, but it is the start of a Democrat hoped-for nationwide Gestapo or a concept totally unconstitutional, of course, but of no concern to Democrats when they are so close to achieving Obama’s goal of fundamentally changing America.

Joe Biden, by Executive Order, without congressional funding, has just added an Office of Environmental Justice to the Federal Government. OMG, another Democrat scheme to drastically strip us of more of our freedoms.

Adding 87,000 armed tax collectors, thousands more of armed Capitol Police, and we can’t possibly guess how many armed environmental justice agents are expected to be fielded, but knowing the Democrats’ propensity for tyranny and its need to protect the State, it’s got to be a lot. The federal government is already too large.

President Biden Signs Executive Order to Revitalize Our Nation’s Commitment to Environmental Justice for All

Joe’s newest executive order calls for all federal agencies to consider the disproportionate and adverse” impacts of ‘climate change’ on ‘certain communities,’ as opposed to adverse impacts generally. There is the answer… certain communities” is the clue. It’s all about diversity, equity, and inclusion, a scheme to relocate violent inter-city urban denizens out of their squalid, fatherless government-subsidized existence, out into the hinterland and the suburban communities where people fled to avoid being burglarized or shot dead from Blue City Crime.



Biden’s Office of Environmental Justice: “will ensure that all people, regardless of race, background, income, ability, tribal affiliation, or zip code, can benefit from the vital safeguards enshrined in our nation’s foundational environmental and civil rights laws.”

That is the mission statement for a socialized America led by the Marxist Democrat Party.

His BS continues: That means cleaner air and water, reduced risk for asthma, cancer, and other health burdens, and better access to green space, safe and affordable housing, and clean transportation.” No, it doesn’t mean any of that at all, just the opposite. Didn’t Joe Biden, in his 2022 State of the Union address, tell us: “We’ll create good jobs for millions of Americans…and we’ll do it all to withstand the devastating effects of climate change and promote environmental justice.” There’s that farce of “Climate Change” again, like an albatross being hung around our necks. I don’t understand how climate change and environmental justice are possibly related except as another scheme to screw the American people once again. Environmental justice for whom?

Biden’s “Justice 40 Initiative,” probably Obama’s, is the founding document of Joe’s political and economic dementia. He has no idea what he’s talking about, but let’s take a look at that important document. Joe created it with Executive Order 14008 he signed mere days after taking office. Let’s explore the investments (spending) that will fall within Joe’s Justice 40 Scheme: The categories are “climate change, clean energy and energy efficiency, clean transit, affordable and sustainable housing, training and workforce development, remediation and reduction of legacy pollution, and the development of critical clean water and wastewater infrastructure.”

When government speaks of investments, they really mean wasting tax dollars. But, simply paying more taxes to the government will not change the weather.

I didn’t know we had a problem with clean energy, either. China and India do, driving their economies with coal-driven power plants. Lesser economies, like sub-Saharan African ones, leave a carbon footprint by burning wood to cook their meals. They’ve also stripped many of the forests away, leaving barren grounds and polluted rivers. The rivers and streams in my area are only muddy after storms pass through, but the haul of good fish to eat is no problem. I applaud prior initiatives on reducing vehicle emissions particles that created SMOG in the air we breathed. What a great job that was because nearly every day now, I wake up to pristine skies and fresh air, bothered only in spring by high pollen counts.

Government hasn’t figured out how to tax us for pollen yet any more than they can tax a state or country for its belching volcanos adding to atmospheric pollution. There is a growing but weak opposition to government stupidity in our Congress. We are living in a time, under Democrats, where intelligent people are silenced so that stupid people aren’t offended, on multiple issues.

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