The IPCC Radical Climate Change Agenda Is a Neo-Marxist, Postmodern Value Narrative


by Jerome Corsi, American Thinker:

In combating the global warming (aka, climate change) movement, we fail to understand that the radical left today lives in a value-relative phenomenology shaped by a mixture of postmodernism blended with neo-Marxism. It misses the mark merely to refute the hoax science behind the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)’s decision to eliminate the use of hydrocarbon fuels.

The sad truth is that government-funded climate scientists know CO2 is not the control knob of Earth’s temperature. The postmodernist mind lives in the John Lennon world where “reimagining” is required to advance us into their carbon-free utopia. In this bizarre world, post-modernism rejects the Enlightenment’s confidence in a fact-based, rule-driven reality anchored by scientific proof that overrides subjective desires. To them, reality is a “language game” (in Wittgenstein’s terms) or, as they say, a “narrative.”


In his 2006 DVD and book An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore treated us to many upcoming climate disasters, establishing a precedent holding that hysterically predicting those disasters is sufficient to force governments to abandon hydrocarbon fuels. Michael Mann fabricated the “hockey stick theory” [i.e., the fallacious claim that global temperatures rose dramatically only after the dawn of the industrial age] on similar climate fearmongering.

In 2008, Mann published Dire Predictions: Understanding Global Warming, a beautifully illustrated book of every imaginable IPCC-conjured climate disaster. Two years later, in The Hockey Stick IllusionClimategate and the Corruption of Science, A.W. Montford debunked it all.

Image by Andrea Widburg, using dream by freepik and earth by macrovector.

Montford demonstrated that, when the “Climategate” emails from the IPCC-affiliated Corinne Le Quéré at the School of Environmental Studies at the University of East Anglia in the U.K. were released, they definitively proved the faulty methodology and outright lying practiced by these IPCC-affiliated hawkers of this junk science. The sad truth is that Mann and his IPCC cronies knew that they were bending geological climate evidence to create a causal link between the industrial era, the burning of hydrocarbon fuels, and a unique, catastrophic rise in Earth’s temperature.

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