Nuke Drills, Banking Freefall, And Continued Rising Food Prices & Shortages All Have One Commonality: The Need To Be Prepared At A Moment’s Notice For Total Chaos And ‘The Unthinkable’


by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

Over the past week I have noted a number of unrelated stories, all of which hold serious ramifications for Americans, and all of which do have one major commonality: The need to be prepared, at a minutes notice, for complete chaos.

• Charts found at ZeroHedge show that despite the the claims from both the Biden regime and the MSM playing the White House’s propaganda arm, regional banks are in a “freefall.”

A couple charts are shown below, but readers should look at them all to see the severity of the issue.


And despite the Biden admin claiming that FRC was just another ‘outlier’ business model, PacWest, Western Alliance, and Zions (among others) are in a freefall…



But the ‘big banks’ are also getting slammed…



Other charts show how the markets are also showing the same trend, taking massive hits.

Read more here.

• A ‘large-scale’ week-long nuclear training drill will be held in Houston this week as the military war games the unthinkable: A nuclear attack.


* FBI tells residents not to be alarmed by presence of military and hazmat suits

* Drills will be carried out at locations including joint military base Ellington Field

* Analysis shows about 130,000 people could be killed if Houston was attacked



If they are preparing for a nuclear attack on America soil, we should be as well.

Potassium Iodide Radiation Tablets

Radiation Detectors:

Geiger Counter Nuclear Radiation Detector,CHNADKS Upgrated Monitor Dosimeter,Rechargeable Beta Gamma X-ray Portable Handheld Radiation Monitor with LCD Display

Geiger Counter Nuclear Radiation Detector – FNIRSI Radiation Dosimeter with LCD Display, Portable Handheld Beta Gamma X-ray Rechargeable Radiation Monitor Meter, 5 Dosage Units Switched

GQ GMC-300E Geiger Counter Nuclear Radiation Detector Data Recorder Beta Gamma X-ray

Face Respirators:

UOPASD Full Face Respirator Mask,Gas Mask Protect Against Harmful Gas,Dust,Chemicals, Safety Mask with Active Carbon Filter

ST-100X Survival & Tactical Full Face Respirator with P-D-1 Single 40mm Replaceable Carbon Activated Charcoal Filter for Organic Vapors, Chemicals, & Particulates

Full Face Organic Vapor, Chemical, & Particulate Respirator – 1 Year Manufacturer Warranty – Reusable Eye Protection Mask

• NY to become the first state to ban natural gas, according to New York Post.

Gas stoves will soon become toast in New York, under a controversial new handshake deal between Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul and Albany lawmakers that would make that state the first in the US to ban natural gas.

The pending budget deal mandates all new buildings under seven stories be fully electric by 2026 with larger structures following three years later.


How long before a state like California, and other democrat-run states to follows suit, because liberals states just love to out-crazy” each other?

If you happen to live in a liberal state, you might want to check out some electric stoves and ovens.

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