In 2021, Joe Biden’s Department of Defense Awarded A Billion Dollar Contract To Peraton To ‘Counter Misinformation’ By Censoring Social Media Content


    by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

    The Department of Defense (DoD) awarded a five-year $979 million contract to Peraton to counter misinformation specifically originating from adversaries of the United States.

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    NTEB has been on social media outlets Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for many years now, and we have reported on the vast level of censorship that we have received from these agencies. We have been banned and suspended more times than I can accurately count, in one case losing our decade-old Facebook page with hundreds of thousands of followers, as well as being placed on the US Cyber Command watchlist where they’ve labeled us as an ‘extremist site’. Are you extreme? Praise the Lord, we absolutely are, just not in the way the world labels ‘extremism’.

    “Then Paul answered, What mean ye to weep and to break mine heart? for I am ready not to be bound only, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.” Acts 21:13 (KJB)

    So here in 2023, the long-held conspiracy theory about the government colluding with social media to monitor and censor anything and everything that goes against their New World Order narrative has been proven true. The Biden administration absolutely worked behind closed doors, replete in the darkness of the coming Antichrist’s kingdom, to ban posts warning about the dangers of the COVID vaccine, the dangers of drugs like Remdesivir, and the evil work conducted by Big PharmaWhy would they do this? To convince 70% of all America, and 66% of the entire world to receive the government injection. We live in a day where the truth is called ‘misinformation’, and the lies pushed by the government is called the truth.

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