Anger Is Rapidly Growing As Economic Conditions Steadily Deteriorate All Over The World


    by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

    We are in the early stages of a global economic collapse, and people all over the globe are getting extremely angry.  Here in the United States, higher prices are an inconvenience, but in other parts of the world higher prices can mean the difference between feeding your family or not.  And once people get to a point where they cannot even survive on the incomes that they are bringing in, they can become very unpredictable and very violent.  For example, a large economic protest that just happened in Lebanon quickly descended into violence as protesters aggressively clashed with government security forces

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    Although the protest began peacefully, demonstrators clashed with security forces, who repeatedly shot tear gas into the crowd after demonstrators breached the barbed wire in front of the government building.

    “It’s not just our salaries, we’re fighting for our lives,” a retired officer told The National after escaping a cloud of tear gas.

    “After serving our country for over 30 years, we can’t even live off our pensions,” he said.

    Cries of “Shame on you!” could be heard as protesters ran from the smog of tear gas.

    We are seeing similar protests in the western world.  On Sunday, an absolutely massive protest in Prague called on government leaders to resign because of “high inflation and energy prices”

    Thousands of people rallied again in the Czech capital, Prague, on Sunday calling on the government to resign as they protested against high inflation and energy prices.

    It was the second such rally in the central Wenceslas Square, called for by a new non-parliamentary political party PRO, which in English stands for Law, Respect, and Expertise.

    “We want to express our disapproval of this government, of the political situation, of what’s going on in the Czech Republic and in fact in the whole of Europe,” said one protestor, Renata Urbanova.

    Unfortunately, economic protests such as these have become quite common over the past year.

    In fact, one team of researchers determined that there were 12,500 such protests during 2022

    Last September, Italians in Rome, Milan and Naples burned their energy bills in a coordinated protest against soaring prices. In October, thousands took to French streets to decry government inaction over the high cost of living. And in November, Spanish workers rallied for higher wages, chanting “salary or conflict.”

    Researchers have defined an unprecedented global wave of more than 12,500 protests across 148 countries over food, fuel and cost of living increases in 2022. And the largest were in Western Europe.

    Will that number be even higher in 2023?

    All over the world, people need to eat, and food prices just keep rising.

    In March, food prices in the UK rose “at their fastest rate for 45 years”.

    And it is now being projected that the global rice shortfall this year will be the largest in 20 years.  That will mean even higher prices for the billions of people that eat rice.

    Even here in the United States, food prices are becoming extremely oppressive.  Earlier today, I was stunned to learn that one bakery in New York is actually selling a ham and cheese sandwich for 29 dollars.

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