The Crisis of Humanity Lies at the Feet of Mass Indifference


    by Gary D. Barnett, Lew Rockwell:

    “Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph.”

    ~ Haile Selassie

    Why should you care? Why should you bother? If the misery of others does not seem to affect you, or in some way even enhances your lot in life, so be it, as what could you do about it anyway? If you hide from evil, if you say nothing, will that evil disappear? If you support or applaud the evil of others, as happens especially in war, are you not evil yourself?

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    If you allow atrocities to occur without speaking out or lifting a finger to stop them, are you absolved of blame and responsibility? If great pain and suffering of innocents is allowed by your turning away, do you cry out in the night in agony, or do you sleep deeply in a state of hidden and ignorant bliss?

    The crisis of humanity, the gruesome plight of mankind; has been allowed to endure and greatly expand due to the deafening silence of the non-caring collective herd who are consumed by their pathetic embrace of cowardly apathy. Most seem to clutch to the notion of victimhood in one form or another, in order to justify their existence, and to use as an excuse to ignore the anguish and sorrow of others. This is of course, only a pathological escape from reality, and a way of getting by without having to take responsibility for their lack of actions, or facing the consequences of looking at their own pitiful reflection in the mirror.

    I am haunted by this universal lack of feeling and understanding for our fellow man, and the mass voluntary acceptance of the extreme tyranny and hatred that permits acts of psychological torture, violence, perversion, and murder, to exist, with little resistance. How can this be in any ‘civilization’ that claims to have a soul or conscience, or empathy for all the real victims of State aggression, most all sanctioned by the bulk of heinous ‘nationalistic’ societies? Billions have been harmed, and many hundreds of millions have died from the brutal acts of wicked tyrants; tyrants of states and governments, who ruled over the many, and generally, with complete support of their populations.

    Empires have been built, wars of aggression have been waged, horrendous acts of brutality have been common, and economic ruin, maiming, torture, and the murder of innocents have been sanctioned in the name of conquest, and the false propagandized notion of advancing freedom, which of course is the most ludicrous lie of all. That lie has been the mainstay of this nation-state called America; a country that has warred continuously and with nearly total aggression against innocents, for 93% of its entire existence. All of this aggression, occupation, global control efforts, and slaughter and murder of many tens of millions, has been accepted as legitimate by this population in most every case, and with few exceptions. Much of this acceptance has been excused due to blame placed on non-existent monsters from afar, as sold to the ‘public’ by the State politicians and propagandists, but these excuses are hollow and do not ring true.

    The past tells the story of a barbaric humanity relying on brutality, murder, slavery, conquest, and a drive for power unimpeded by any sense of right, compassion, or respect for life. Consider the major powers of yesterday and in this modern age, those of Rome, China, Russia, France, Spain, Nazi Germany, the British Empire, the ‘United’ States Empire, and now of course, the blending of Western countries into a powerful NATO warring alliance. These are only a handful of the hundreds of empires that have existed and reigned on this earth, fomenting death and destruction all along the way. Now, the drive for international dominance has caused a melding of ‘civilizations’ vying for a seat at the table of a one world global ruling class, all while the billions of people of the world sit back and watch without building any legitimate resistance to this onslaught against humanity.

    These past few decades, and especially these past few years, have seen abhorrent totalitarian rule globally, where nearly every country has waged war against its own people, in what can only be described as an effort to advance a universal domestic warfare campaign that is based on depopulation through democide. This is the world you have allowed to become all powerful, and the world that will finish its drive for global power and control, unless many more decide to say no, and stop it.

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