by Tom Renz, Esq., America Outloud:
It’s interesting to watch the response to my work. Over time the people I fight with have tried to buy me, threaten me, smear me, and do anything else they could to shut me up, to no avail. I’m not for sale, I have no fear of these pieces of human excrement, and I don’t care what they say about me or claim to know about me. At the end of the day, the people behind COVID and the vaccines have killed 10s of millions; I’ve killed zero.
Because I’ve stayed true to the fight and have no pride, every hit piece they do on me just ends up giving me more followers and supporters. As a result, the plan has become to censor me and never mention my work. That is not going well because of this show, my Rumble Channel (@RenzLaw), Twitter opening up (@RenzTom), and other social media competitors like Truth Social (@TomRenz). This means we are succeeding in getting the truth out, and the best the other side can do is try to distract and double down on censoring.
While the censorship is a consistent, ongoing issue (see my Twitter posts grumbling about it), the response to my sharing the truth about the plan to poison the food supply with gene-altering meds (like mRNA) has been to try and distract. We constantly hear about cows from the Cattlemen’s Association. Fortunately, the Cattlemen are not very adept at their work and change their story more often than most people change their underwear. Unfortunately, some people do focus on mRNA in beef, and that is really not the issue.
The real issue is the use of these untested and unsafe medical interventions in our food supply. Are they transmitting to people, and are they altering human DNA? We simply do not know, and I, frankly, do not trust the same FDA that told me the #DiedSuddenly COVID jabs were safe and effective, to be honest about the food supply.
That’s why bills like Missouri HB1169 are so important. They don’t ban anything, but they do insist on disclosure and informed consent for products that can alter your genes.
If the food is truly not a risk for doing this, then why are the Cattlemen, Farm Bureaus, Chambers of Commerce, and others opposed to this?
While I have yet to get a legitimate answer – they typically just say the bill was poorly written and would cause farmers problems but won’t give any real specifics – I am happy to say I have a solution. The bill sponsor (Holly Jones) has worked to develop some substitute language that will ensure the concerns of the Republicans opposing the bill are handled. The new language does that very clearly, and I’ll be posting it everywhere as soon as possible. This means that unless these guys are against informed consent, there is no longer any reason for them to oppose the bill. If they do – that simply means they aren’t opposing it for any reason other than they are owned by the lobbyists.
I’m looking forward to seeing who is honest and who isn’t. BTW – I plan to publicly apologize to any of the committee members I called RINOs if it turns out I was wrong… but I’m doubling down otherwise.
The Tom Renz Show on America Out Loud Talk Radio can be heard weekdays at 6 pm ET. Listen on iHeart Radio, our world-class media player, or our free apps on Apple, Android, or Alexa. All episodes can be heard on-demand on podcast networks worldwide. Find out more and listen to previous podcast episodes here. Visit Tom Renz’s website:, and his substack:
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