Jewish Control of U.S. Presidents #2 — Ronald Reagan


    by Karl Haemers, The Unz Review:

    Similar to an addict who must bottom out to a recognition of the full horror and misery of life before turning sincerely to recovery, so we must understand the full depths of Jewish power over us before we can really turn our situation around. In #1 of this series we examined the Jews who gained control over U.S. President Woodrow Wilson, leading to the placement on the Supreme Court of the first Jew, the imposing of the disastrous Federal Reserve system dominated by Jewish bankers, and entry into World War I to the profit and advantage of Jews.

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    Many other Presidents can be chosen almost at random to continue this examination, but we will look next at Ronald Reagan because it is estimated that around 1980 was the culmination of the rise of Jewish power in America—when they finally achieved dominance over the long-held power of White Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASPs).

    Within the past 60 years, the Jews have risen to elite status in the United States, totally displacing the traditional WASP elite who used to run the country. Their infiltration of the highest offices of every American institution, their extreme over-representation in every profession, their control of the news and entertainment media, their over-representation in the universities, is even more pervasive in America today than in Weimar Germany…

    But unlike the WASP elite whom they have displaced, the Jews have become what Professor Kevin MacDonald, in his trilogy of books on Jewish culture, calls a “hostile elite.” The old WASP elite never lost its sense of noblesse oblige toward the ordinary people of America. They were, after all, of the same religion and of the same ethnic origin, and they felt a sense of responsibility for the general welfare of all of their fellow citizens. Our new Jewish elite is different. They feel no identity with ordinary Americans, only contempt, and they concern themselves only with “what is good for the Jews.”

    Not only does this new Jewish elite have no empathy for the traditional European majority in America, they actively work to undermine it…

    -Benton Bradberry, The Myth of German Villainy, 2012, pp. 434–5

    The election of Ronald Reagan in 1980 marked a milestone in this advance of Jewish power, and arguably could be viewed as the transition time. Reagan served as the 40 th president during two terms from 1981–1989, with Vice President George H.W. Bush. We will see the role Jews played in Reagan’s trajectory, and Reagan’s receptiveness to Jewish power.

    Jewish Media Mafia Origins

    Reagan attended Eureka College in Illinois, the state in which he was born. There he acted in school plays. “Upon graduation, he became a radio sports announcer. A screen test in 1937 won him a contract in Hollywood. During the next two decades he appeared in 53 films.” According to Dan Moldea, researcher and author on organized crime, in his The Corruption of Ronald Reagan:

    Reagan came to Los Angeles in 1937 to make motion pictures, and, in 1940, MCA bought out his talent agency. Lew Wasserman became Reagan’s personal agent; he negotiated a million-dollar contract with Warner Brothers on Reagan’s behalf. In 1946, Wasserman became the president of MCA, and the following year, Reagan, with his film career already in decline, became the president of the Screen Actors Guild.

    MCA “was founded in 1924 by Jules Stein, a Chicago ophthalmologist who quickly became friendly with the local underworld,” according to Moldea. He will not state the obvious, that Stein was Jewish, nor that the “underworld” Stein allied with also included Jewish elements. Lew Wasserman who was Reagan’s personal agent and had become president of MCA was also of course Jewish.

    Every facet of Reagan’s life, from his careers in acting and politics to his financial successes, were directed by MCA, which, with the help of the Mafia, was the most powerful force in Hollywood from the mid-1940s until the Bronfman family purchased the company in 1995. The Bronfman family was/is also Jewish, as was the Hollywood Mafia as we will see.

    It may seem tedious to identify so many of the names in this investigation as Jewish, but that is something Moldea and some other sources we refer to will not do, making it significant obscurantism. Revealing the Jewish identity of those who created and controlled Reagan the president will assist us in a clear identification of the enemy of America and its people, and inform an effective self-defense.

    Lew Wasserman’s career in entertainment and organized crime lasted 70 years, starting as an usher at a movie theater in Cleveland in 1933. At the peak of his career as Chairman of MCA in 1973, Variety magazine called him “Hollywood’s ultimate mover and shaker.” Wasserman’s Wikipedia entry references Moldea, and says:

    Wasserman was the link between the Mafia, the Hollywood film industry and Reagan, who obtained very lucrative deals as an actor with Wasserman as his agent. By 1947, just after Al Capone died, and still with the help of his alliance with the underworld, Wasserman was instrumental in helping Reagan to become president of the Screen Actors Guild, which kicked-off Reagan’s rise to power. Reagan allowed MCA to work both as a producer as well as an agent, which enabled the Mafia to earn a huge income.

    Another Jewish mobster in Hollywood was Sidney Korshak. A Vanity Fair profile on Korshak titled “The Man Who Kept the Secrets” states:

    Wasserman’s rise had brought him in contact with the underworlds of both Cleveland and Chicago; MCA’s ascendance in Hollywood in the late 30s was simultaneous with the Chicago Mob’s infiltration, through union control, of the movie business, and with Sidney Korshak’s own move to the Coast. Wasserman was perhaps the most powerful and revered figure in Hollywood, and Sidney Korshak was perhaps his closest friend. … it was Glaser who introduced [Jules] Stein to Korshak. It seems likely that it was Stein who then introduced Wasserman to Korshak.

    Joe Glaser was another Jew of Russian origin involved with MCA and the Hollywood Jewish Mafia. Here is a good summary of the Hollywood/Jewish Organized Crime Syndicate environment at the time:

    “Twentieth-century organized crime in America was a primarily Jewish-Italian coalition that shared the sensibilities but lacked the ethnic purity of the true Sicilian Mafia.”

    Reagan Groomed for President by Jews

    A definitive research work by Dan Moldea titled Dark Victory: Ronald Reagan, MCA and the Mob recounts:

    In the late 1940s Hollywood shifted its attention away from the Mafia’s infiltration of the film industry to its infiltration by Communists [i.e., another group of Jews]. Ronald Reagan, a young actor who was represented by Wasserman and MCA, was a star player during the investigations and hearings by the U. S. House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), serving as both an informant for the FBI and a friendly witness for the committee.

    After his performance in the war against communism … Reagan was rewarded by being elected as President of the Screen Actors Guild (SAG), serving for five consecutive one-year terms. (p. 16)

    As SAG President, Reagan allowed a violation of rules that was immensely profitable to MCA:

    “In 1952, during his fifth term, Reagan engineered a ‘blanket waiver,’ exempting MCA from SAG rules prohibiting a talent agency from also engaging in film production.” Earlier Moldea writes: “decisions made by SAG while under Reagan’s leadership became ‘the central fact of MCA’s whole rise to power.’” Already in the early 1950s Reagan and MCA were in a mutually beneficial relationship, but

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