Is the BBC Responsible for mRNA Vaccine Related Deaths?


    by Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Tara Cobham, Global Research:

    BBC Radio Newcastle’s Lisa Shaw had her first jab in May 2021 and died just a week later

    The widower of a BBC presenter who died after having the Covid vaccine has said he has been left with “no alternative” but to sue AstraZeneca.

    BBC Radio Newcastle’s Lisa Shaw had her first jab in May 2021 and died just a week later.

    In August of that year, Newcastle coroner Karen Dilks ruled the 44-year-old had died from a rare condition associated with the jab that induces swelling and bleeding on the brain, “vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia”.

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    Her widower Gareth Eve said no one had “reached out” after he had attempted to “engage with the government, MPs and three prime ministers”.

    He told the BBC:

    “It’s not in my make-up to turn around and say I want to sue somebody but for almost two years we’ve tried to engage with the government and tried to engage with MPs since Lisa died and not one of them has reached out or engaged with us at all.

    “Any engagement is fleeting at best so that’s the reason that we’re left with no alternative – if the government or AstraZeneca don’t want to engage with us then what else are we supposed to do?”

    Mr Eve said he merely wanted “some sort of acknowledgement or recognition that these deaths have occurred”, adding: “We’re not crackpots or conspiracy theorists, we’re husbands and wives and family members who have lost somebody – that’s all it is.

    Our thanks to The Independent.

    Click here to read the complete article.




    Is the BBC Responsible for

    mRNA Vaccine Related Deaths?

    BBC Propaganda in Support of the Covid-19 Vaxx  


    Michel Chossudovsky

    Global Research, April 11, 2023

    Our thoughts today are with the family of the late BBC Presenter Lisa Shaw.



    What the above report by the Independent fails to acknowledge is that Lisa Shaw’s employer, namely the BBC was instrumental in providing legitimacy to the mRNA “killer vaccine”, through 24/7 reports intimating that the virus was more dangerous than the vaccine.

    The BBC also withheld publication of official data pertaining to vaccine related deaths and adverse events, not to mention the outright censorship of prominent scientists and medical doctors. 

    Deep-seated Crisis Within the BBC

    Charlie Walsham (pseudonym) describes “How the BBC lost its way on Covid” (Spectator, December 19, 2021)

    I have been a BBC journalist for many years, … My despair about the BBC’s one-sided coverage of the pandemic though has been steadily growing for some time. And in early December [2021], as I listened to a BBC radio broadcast, I felt the corporation reach a new low. 

    During a morning phone-in show on 5Live the topic of discussion was Covid jabs and whether they should be mandated, or if punitive action should be taken against those who refuse them, such as imposing lockdowns on the unvaccinated. … I at least expected a balanced discussion.

    This was wishful thinking on my part, as ‘Michael from Birmingham’ – a caller – was about to find out. Michael told the host he hadn’t been vaccinated because he didn’t trust ‘the data’ and cited historic incidents of documented corporate malfeasance by pharmaceutical giants to explain why he was concerned. … Yet instead of holding a reasoned debate with his concerned caller, the host immediately lost his temper, talked over Michael, implied he was a flat-earther and then muted him entirely.

    It was an interaction that goes to the very heart of the dismal failure of BBC News. …The atmosphere in these BBC offices in the early days of the pandemic became comically oppressive.

    … Before long, colleagues I respected, and who held sway over running orders, succumbed to the belief that lockdowns, social distancing and face coverings – the whole gamut of coronavirus measures – were the only viable route out of the crisis. Alternative strategies, even those backed by eminent scientists and medics, were dismissed as dangerous or the work of cranks without any effort being made to properly examine their ideas. …

    Written by Charlie Walsham (Charlie Walsham is the pseudonym of a BBC News employee who has worked at the Corporation for several years. (emphasis added)

    BBC Misinformation. “Pack of Lies”

    In a February 15, 2022 report by Michelle Roberts, the BBC contends the following:

    Will the vaccine give me side effects? 

    Some people do experience mild to moderate symptoms after being vaccinated.[biased and nonsensical statement] This is not the disease itself, but the body’s response to the vaccine.

    Common reactions that may affect more than one in 10 people and typically get better within days include chills, tiredness and aching muscles.

    What about serious reactions?

    It is rare to find that health problems occurring following a vaccine are actually caused by the vaccine itself. [absolute nonsense refuted by scientific evidence]. Events may be coincidental and unrelated to vaccination.

    The Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine has been linked to very rare cases of blood clotsThis is not proof that the vaccine is to blame. [the incidence of blood clots is amply documented] Covid infection itself can also make clots more likely and they can occur naturally too.

    The chance of this happening to an individual is still extremely low,[Nonsensical statement] but as a precaution, younger age groups in the UK have been offered alternative Covid vaccines.

    By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 10, 2023

    The BBC has Exercised Censorship. Its Statements in Support of the Covid Vaxx are Misleading

    The BBC has failed to inform the public regarding the recorded Covid vaccine related deaths and adverse events, confirmed by official data as well scientific reports.

    “Official sources, namely EudraVigilance (EU, EEA, Switzerland), MHRA (UK) and VAERS (USA), have now recorded many more deaths and injuries from the COVID-!9 “vaccine” roll-out than from all previous vaccines combined since records began.”

    Moreover, not a word regarding the release of Pfizer’s Confidential report in October 2021 under Freedom of Information (FOI), which provides ample evidence that the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine is a dangerous and toxic substance.

    “The report is a bombshell. The vaccine was launched in mid-December 2020. By the end of February 2021, “Pfizer had already received more than 1,200 reports of deaths allegedly caused by the vaccine and tens of thousands of reported adverse events, including 23 cases of spontaneous abortions out of 270 pregnancies and more than 2,000 reports of cardiac disorders.”

    The data from mid-December 2020 to the end of February 2021 unequivocally confirms “Manslaughter”. Based on the evidence, Pfizer had the responsibility to immediately cancel and withdraw the “vaccine””.

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