Steve Bannon on Fire – Drops a Bomb on The Rupert Murdoch Dynasty (VIDEO)


    by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

    Steve Bannon dropped a bomb on Tuesday as he opened The War Room.

    The former Chief Strategist for President Trump took aim at Rupert Murdoch and the Murdoch dynasty for his relationship with China.

    Steve Bannon: We see FOX, the TV for stupid people, finally waking up after years of Murdoch not allowing this to be on his network. By the way, Murdoch, who just bailed on … his latest catch, 60-year-old fiance who he dumped because she had two profound and demonstrable evangelical Christian leanings. That’s why he got rid of her after two weeks. He was married at one time to Wendy Deng, a Chinese Communist Party intelligence asset. He was married to her for many, many years. FOX has been quiet on this, but now they woke. They’re awakened.

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    Rupert’s ex has long been suspected of being a suspected Chinese spy.

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