Joe Biden’s Boss Keeps Him on Short Leash


    from Moonbattery:

    Whoever is in charge of steering America straight off a cliff, it isn’t Joe Biden. Creepy Joe was infamously incompetent even before he became senile, and at this point probably cannot get his shoes on the correct feet without assistance. He was chosen as a figurehead because his cluelessness and morally vacuity make him easy to manage.

    His puppeteers are too conspicuously sinister to face even an electorate debased enough to vote for Barack Obama. Who are they? Frequent visits to the White House by Alexander Soros, son of the 96-year-old George Soros, offer a clue:

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    Soros — who has worked to carry his father’s torch as he has assisted with fundraising efforts for the Democratic Party — traveled to the White House at least 14 times since October 2021 and had meetings with multiple officials in 2022, according to White House visitor logs

    Who knows how often Biden meets with his masters during the excessive percentage of the time he is away from the White House on vacation?

    Heritage Foundation Oversight Project director Mike Howell told Fox News Digital that the visits by Alexander Soros to the White House are concerning, as the Soros family “has done incalculable damage to our country.”

    Other high profile Democrats Alexander Soros is known to meet with include Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Barack Obama.

    He who pays the piper calls the tune. George Soros is far and away the #1 donor to the Democratic Party.

    Soros has made his hostility to the USA clear. He has installed pro-criminal maniacs as district attorneys throughout the country (e.g., George Gascon [Los Angeles], Kim Foxx [Chicago], Larry Krasner [Philadelphia], Chesa Boudin [San Francisco], Kim Gardner [St Louis], Jose Garza [Austin]), deliberately creating a tsunami of violent crime intended to destabilize the country. Among them is New York’s Alvin Bragg, who has been taking a wrecking ball to our system of government with a brazenly political criminal prosecution of the leading opposition figure.

    George Soros pushed $1 million to the Color of Change PAC, which turned around and spent big, backing Bragg’s candidacy.

    Soros’ son Jonathan Soros, and Jonathan’s wife, Jennifer Allan Soros, also donated directly to Bragg’s campaign…

    The contributions were also uncommon for the pair, as they generally do not get financially involved with district attorney races…

    Bragg was placed in his position to perform a specific task: indict Trump on a ludicrous charge so as to ensure that Trump wins the primaries but loses the general election, at significant cost to our national cohesion and the integrity of the American system.

    Too bad Bragg isn’t the highest official serving as a Soros cat’s paw. Control by Soros explains why every Biden policy is harmful to the country.

    Soros broke the Bank of England and the Bank of Thailand. If his objective now is to break the United States, what better strategy than to put lowlife looters in a position to spend it to death, causing the economy to collapse under the burden of taxationinflation, and debt?

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