Reclamation of America: We Must Serve God – Defend Liberty


    by John Radell, American Thinker:

    The leftist transformation of America is almost complete.  They have captured the citadels of America and have transformed the cultural and moral foundations of what makes America, well, America.  If we are to reclaim the America we grew up in, we must realize these things: the conservative movement is dead, every American citadel has fallen to the threats of the “woke,” the establishment controls all politics Democrat and Republican, and unless the church is ready to return to the public square to lead the charge to reclaim the moral and religious convictions that built this nation, then America will fall.

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    How did the conservative movement die?  It died on the table of compromise and at the hands of the establishment who claimed they supported conservative principles.  You know, the McConnells, Romneys, McCarthys, Grahams, and Bushs of politics and every Republican who keeps voting to raise the debt ceiling and collapsing our economy over and over again.  Conservatism isn’t dead, just the movement.  These faux conservatives sound dire warnings of the left’s actions, but little comes of their alarms, except a request to send more money to help them get reelected so they can fix what they have failed to fix every time they regain Congress and the White House.  If the Conservative Movement is dead, what will take its place?  A new movement is rising called Serve God – Defend Liberty.  It is not an organization but a movement based on the one mission: the Reclamation of the America of our founding.

    This movement supports conservative concepts and does not compromise the values, morals, or principles of those conservative concepts.  The description of this movement can be found at

    This new movement isn’t raising money and has no membership.  It is a place with links, and free information to help local conservative groups to recapture the spirit of America at the local, then state, then nation level.  This is the real heart of conservatism; not a money- or member-driven organization but mission-driven movement with free help and advice and support for the local groups doing the work; and a way to contact them if you need help or more information.

    Every citadel that once was the strength of our government has fallen. Education, FBI, CIA DOD, DOJ, the courts, medicine, and even many churches have been overrun with the triad of evil: globalist/communist/and leftist.

    While we attempt to correct government, the education system creates new anti-American citizens willing to give socialism a try. While good priests and pastors try to spread the word of God, the old-world denominations splinter into worldly churches and faithful churches.  False teaching replaces Biblical values.  There are many in America who are not Christians, still their faith calls them to the same ethical values instilled in our founding documents by our founders. We all benefit and prosper as a country when those values are lived and promoted.

    Before we can hope to reclaim America, we have to retake the citadels of the foundation of our faith-based conservative society and return those citadels to the truth upon which they were started.

    The establishment of both parties controls all aspects of governance.  It is not the Republican/Democrat divide where the battle for America’s future will be won or lost; it is the establishment/populist divide where the real war is being fought. In essence, the establishment fights for the control of all by government, while the populist returns the power of our nation back to its people and to the States.

    To coin this in another way; we have lost the statesmen of government of our founders’ ilk. Instead, government-centered establishment party-first politicians now control every aspect of government.  Yes, we make temporary headway, but each election erodes those gains as the statesmen we send are turned into politicians. This Republican-controlled House should have already sent referrals for prosecution of the likes of Fauci, Wray, and so many more.

    But again, we are stuck in the political world of first protect the elected and appointed. How many policy wrongs has Congress undone from Clinton, Obama, and even Bush?  We say we sent conservatives to Congress, yet the wrongs are seldom corrected by Congress through legislation.  Every four years the needle of our government’s center keeps moving left.  The foundations of America, of our Republic are so weakened by this that we have destroyed our children’s chances for a better life.

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