Hollywood now is romanticizing far-left terrorism


    from WND:

    Calls for justified attacks in new film

    “How to Blow Up a Pipeline” hit theaters this week, and there’s no nuance in its title.

    It’s approximately 100 R-rated minutes on destroying a Texas pipeline in the name of environmental activism, social justice, stickin’ it to the Man, and other cool stuff.

    While heist stories always have been popular, there’s long been the moral snag of getting audiences to root for the bad guys or at least the people seen breaking the law.

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    Indeed, Hollywood once had the self-imposed Hays Code that, among other things, required criminals, no matter how intriguing their story, to always meet a bad ending, generally either through the legal system or in death, including by their own hand.

    Sometimes, storytellers have gotten around ethical qualms by having criminals do things ultimately for some kind of perceived good, as in Robin Hood robbing the rich to give to the poor.

    That’s the way “How to Blow Up a Pipeline” gets around the whole terrorism thing. It hoists its would-be moral flag on protection of the environment.


    Check out the trailer.

    Since most movies are aimed at younger people, “Pipeline” has a sleek, youthful cast single-minded in its quest for justice.

    Of course, no one’s going to be influenced by the movie’s message, especially young people. After all, it’s merely a session of entertainment escapism enhanced by over-priced popcorn.

    It’s just that I have a recollection of long-ago college days when a friend told me about watching a crime-glorifying movie, then leaving the small-town theater to engage in some random acts of vandalism.

    But it’s a different era; we’re more sophisticated now. Lessons in developing explosives and in pipeline destruction would prompt no interest from young people. Nor authorities.

    After all, the FBI is busy with monitoring parents upset with school boards and with words on the internet such as “red pill,” or posted names like “Chad” or “Stacey” representing people popular with the opposite sex, unlike “incels,” the self-described involuntary celibates the FBI also is concerned about.

    Pipelines, schmipelines – who cares?

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