ChinUssia Will Likely Become the World’s Dominant Nation


    by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

    China is already the nation that leads the world in its human capital, and Russia is already the nation that leads the world in its physical capital. Unless The West in the future will be growing more in both human and physical capital than China and Russia — which is unlikely — a united ChinUssia (or RussChina — whatever it will be called) would incontestably lead the world in both respects. And the ceaseless aggressions by the U.S. and its ‘allies’ or vassal-nations (including NATO’s expansion to surround not merely Russia but increasingly China) is driving both of those world-leading countries, Russia and China (which border each other), together into one. Their shared border would then be just part of a bilingual country (or perhaps trilingual if English becomes taught as the second language for all of it — which likely will increasingly be the case throughout the world).

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    When I first proposed this idea — of “RussChina” — on 27 August 2022, after The West had made unequivocally clear that it insists upon controlling both Russia and China, one objection was “No empire anywhere on our planet has lasted forever. And the same ‘rule’ applies to the US. And in some very, very distant future China or Russia will make room for another ’empire’.”

    However, that person missed the article’s point in two important respects: first, that article is NOT about “some very, very distant future,” but about the near future and maybe even before the end of the present Century; and, second, it’s not about empire, which is coercive and insatiable, and greed-driven and power-obsessed, by its very essence, trying to expand far outside the nation’s own borders — expand by means of subversion, sanctions, coups, and outright military invasions. This is instead about internally generated dominance, authentic excellence — real improvement of a nation, internally. As that article’s links document, China really does now lead the world in terms of its human capital, and Russia really does lead the world in terms of its physical capital. Imagine, therefore, one market, for buying and selling everything, in both Russia and China. Since Russia and China border each other, what would be a more natural development than their joining together to become one country? Already, they are in 100% ideological agreement on the most important aspect of an ideology, which is its attitude regarding imperialism: BOTH RUSSIA AND CHINA ARE COMMITTED AGAINST IMPERIALISM. That is what sets them AGAINST The West (the U.S.-and-allied world). This is what dooms The West (and it will doom the entire planet if The West continues to insist upon increasing its empire even more). RussChina or ChinUssia, whatever it would be called, would lead a much better future than the pathological, ugly, imperialist past. In such a new world order, the U.N. would relocate its headquarters to that country, and would become the type of organization — the type of U.N. — that FDR had been hoping to lead the world’s future.

    So: just consider that, in August 2021, the Center for Security and Emerging Technology headlined and documented that “China is Fast Outpacing U.S. STEM PhD Growth”. And it’s not merely of academic interest. On 8 April 2020, Reuters bannered “China knocks U.S. from top spot in global patent race”. On 2 March 2021, Reuters headlined “China extends lead over U.S. in global patents filings, U.N. says”. Then, on 16 January 2023, China’s Global Times headlined “China leads the world with 4.2 million valid registered patents in 2022”, and reported that:

    China had registered 4.212 million valid patents as of the end of 2022, making it the first country to pass the threshold of 3 million. The number manifests that the nation has been ramping up efforts to become a global innovational power.

    Of the patents there are 1.324 million high-value patents, up 24.2 percent year-on-year, data from the National Intellectual Property Administration (NIPA) showed on Monday.

    The number of high-value patents per 10,000 people, a major indicator of economic and social development, has reached 9.4 in 2022, compared to 6.3 at the end of the 13th Five-Year Plan period (2016-2020).

    Furthermore, the Programme for International Student Assessment issued their latest comprehensive study on student performance worldwide in 2018, and it was titled “PISA 2018”. It examines scores on reading, science, and math. Of course, every country tries to score as high as possible in the results, and in no country is the score based upon a scientifically randomized selection of students; but, still, these are the most trustworthy comparative data that exist on this crucial factor, a nation’s educational system. The students in China scored higher on all 3 of its parts. America’s overall score was ranked #22. On 12 June 2019, a scholar associated with America’s Brookings Institution and Harvard’s Kennedy School, both of which are top academic centers of liberal neoconservative thought and propaganda, criticized China’s scoring at the top because the sample of its students was unscientific, but it ignored that none of the samples had been scientific. That article criticizing China’s score was titled “Why China’s PISA scores are hard to believe”. It might more honestly have been “Why PISA Scores Are Hard to Believe,” because in the entire 64-page PISA report, there is no “Methodology” section, and there isn’t even once an appearance of that crucial word. But PISA is better than nothing, and it has no competitor.

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