New Study: Cancer Rates Have Increased in Parts of Brain Most Exposed to Cell Phone Radiation


    by BN Frank, Activist Post:

    Decades of research has already determined that exposure to radiofrequency (RF) aka wireless radiation from numerous sources, including cell phones, is biologically harmful.  In fact, some government agencies warn the public about cell phone radiation exposure health risks!  Of course, health risks include more than getting cancer; however, if you’re especially interested in research linking it to cancer, another study recently revealed more reasons to reduce your exposure to cell phones.

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    From Environmental Health Trust:

    Korea Study: Rates For Cancer Has Increased in Areas Exposed to Cell Phone Radiation

    Reports from South Korea—the nation that first adopted widespread use of cell phones – are showing the first signs of what some fear may become a global epidemic.  While the overall rate of brain cancer has declined,  rates for highly malignant forms ( glioblastoma) and some benign brain cancers have increased in those parts of the brain most exposed to cell phone radiation.

    The relationship between radiofrequency-electromagnetic radiation from cell phones and brain tumor: The brain tumor incidence trends in South Korea

    Jinyoung Moon, Physician’s Weekly, Mar 13, 2023

    The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between the nationwide cell phone subscription rate and the nationwide incidence of brain tumors in South Korea. The nationwide cell phone subscription rate was used as a proxy for the RF-EMR [radio frequency electromagnetic radiation] exposure assessment.

    The data for cell phone subscriptions per 100 persons from 1985 to 2019 were found in the Statistics, International Telecom Union (ITU). The brain tumor incidence data from 1999 to 2018 provided by the South Korea Central Cancer Registry operated by the National Cancer Center were used.

    In South Korea, the subscription rate increased from 0 per 100 persons in 1991 to 57 per 100 persons in 2000. The subscription rate became 97 per 100 persons in 2009 and 135 per 100 persons in 2019. For the correlation coefficient between cell phone subscription rate before 10 years and ASIR per 100,000, a positive correlation coefficient with a statistical significance was reported in 3 benign brain tumors (International Classification of Diseases, ICD-10 code, D32, D33, and D32.0) and in 3 malignant brain tumors (ICD-10 code, C71.0, C71.1, and C71.2). Positive correlation coefficients with a statistical significance in malignant brain tumors ranged from 0.75 (95% CI 0.46-0.90) for C71.0 to 0.85 (95% CI 0.63-0.93) for C71.1.

    In consideration of the fact that the main route for RF-EMR exposure has been through the frontotemporal side of the brain (the location of both ears), the positive correlation coefficient with a statistical significance in the frontal lobe (C71.1) and temporal lobe (C71.2) can be understood. Statistically insignificant results from recent cohort and large population international studies and contrasting results from many previous case-control studies could indicate a difficulty in identifying a factor as a determinant of a disease in ecological study design.

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