The Tucker J6 Video Files Confirm J6 Committee Agenda


    by Tom Renz, Esq., America Outloud:

    I was right; along with many others, the J6 Committee and J6 itself were one giant fraud. Thanks to McCarthy following through, sort of, and to Tucker doing some serious work, we are finally seeing how egregious J6 was. It’s almost been fun watching the democrats lose their collective minds over us, the people, seeing the truth about this egregious, illegal, and unconstitutional fraud. These people are so insane that they actually think it is reasonable to be offended simply because the public can now witness what actually took place on J6.

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    There are J6 political prisoners sitting in jail due to this corrupt political scheme, and the democrats think they have a right to cry about their criminality being exposed to the public; this is disgusting, and I want justice for every J6 prisoner as well as for the American people. Honestly, at this point, justice can only start when we eliminate nearly the entirety of the DOJ and repeal the Patriot Act.

    Little Chucky Schumer came out and cried about Tucker sharing the truth and went so far as to accuse him of lying – seriously, despite the video evidence and after the J6 committee just lied for two years. He cried over how “scary” J6 was for him and his little crooked buddies that were there with him that day. He claims their lives were in danger and that, at one point, he was within 30ft of the rioters. Poor little Chucky said things were violent, and he was very scared because there were real Americans near him.

    Are you kidding me?

    Apparently, this guy thinks he’s some sort of a god rather than an elected servant of the people. Poor Chucky is very upset because the serfs approached his royal self. Schumer hasn’t been that close to a real American since he was put in office, and it scared him. Well – I guess I really do feel bad for the little guy; I mean, some of those peasants weren’t wearing masks and, even worse, they probably weren’t vaccinated, so poor little Chuck could have caught COVID and died from the crowd that was 30 FEET AWAY FROM HIM. I hope Tucker pulls the video of the violent and fearful moment Schumer was nearly attacked by the violent mob so we can see just how scary it really was. Once the video is available, I think we should compare it to videos of the BLM riots he supports and ask which looks scarier.

    Of all the violent videos, my favorite was the video of the Shaman guy with the horns. Capital police claimed they could not arrest him because they were outnumbered, but there were numerous shots of him being escorted around by the police with no one near them. Maybe they counted his horns as people when determining they were outnumbered. Can we say, “setup, folks?”

    I hope to see a nonstop slew of lawsuits and a fully transparent investigation take place immediately. Literally, everything about J6 was a setup and the scumbags in Washington that are behind this need to pay. This was done to send a message to Americans that they need to stay in their place and not question the royalty in DC… that should include refraining from exercising our First Amendment rights. It was also an insurance policy against Trump coming back. The sad part is that it appeared to work, at least partly, because now no one will assemble at the capital due to their legitimate fear of being imprisoned and entrapped. Friends – are we going to accept this?

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