by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:
Farmington, UT — In the land of the free, police will use any excuse, often ridiculous and foolish ones, to pull over citizens to conduct fishing expeditions for contraband or to extort them outright. We’ve seen countless people pulled over for air fresheners, window tint, license plate lights, and even for driving under the speed limit because safety was suspicious. Unfortunately, many unsuspecting folks are often beaten or killed during these stops — over “crimes” with no victim.
Chase Allan, 25, recently fell victim to the deadly nature of the US police state during a routine extortion stop over a license plate. On March 1, Allan was harming no one when police targeted him for extortion because he didn’t pay them for the privilege to drive. Moments later, he was executed in firing squad fashion by five police officers.
Allan and his family appear to be a part of a movement of people who call themselves or are associated with sovereign citizens. TFTP has interviewed and reported on many of these folks who claim independence from many laws in the United States. But unfortunately, while some of these folks present some compelling information in their favor when dealing with police officers, their cases are never made.
On March 1, Allan was targeted for extortion by police because an officer noticed an “illegitimate license plate” on the back of his car, which was not registered. When the officer approached the vehicle, Alltoldlls the officer, “I don’t need registration, and I don’t answer questions.”
Local news photos of the scene show that Allan’s car did not have a Utah license plate. Instead, he had a placard that included a known “sovereign citizen” symbol — part of a flag, with blue stars and red-and-white stripes — along with the words “Utah, American State Citizen” and “Notice, Private Automobile Not For Hire.”
The officer took this as a direct threat and called in four more officers. As the stop progresses, Allan, like many sovereigns we’ve reported on before, asserted his independence and told officers they had no jurisdiction over him. Allan also filmed the stop with his phone.
When backup arrives, police order Allan out of the car and he refuses.
“If you don’t step out of the car, then we’re going to break the window and pull you out,” an officer can be heard replying.
Seconds later, police open Allan’s door before all hell breaks loose when they notice Allan is armed. For the next five seconds, all five officers empty their pistols into Allan.
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