If Trump Had Prevailed in 2020


    by Ed Brodow, American Thinker:

    Joe Biden has distinguished himself as the worst president since before World War II. Voters failed to see Biden for being what Thomas Sowell described as “not only a phony but an incompetent one.” The irony is that when Joe entered the White House, we were coming off of four years with a strong president.

    Biden’s predecessor implemented a strategic series of policies that were successful in reversing the destructive leftist agenda of the Obama administration. Donald Trump restored America’s economy, lowered unemployment, made us energy independent, stood up to China’s expansionist foreign policy and one-sided economic practices, took the U.S. out of the pernicious Paris Accord, enhanced peace in the Middle East, and stabilized conditions on the southern border.

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    All of Trump’s actions accrued to the benefit of the nation. “I don’t care whether you like Trump or not,” said Bill O’Reilly. “Trump governed this nation in a responsible way where everybody prospered. And if you don’t believe that, you’re a moron.” Despite these achievements, voters rejected the prosperity of the Trump years in favor of Joe Biden and his left-wing lunacy. Joe set out right away to reverse everything Trump accomplished. As a direct result, the country is in terrible shape.

    As we approach the 2024 presidential election, it is a good time to contemplate what kind of shape the U.S. would be in if Donald Trump had prevailed in 2020.

    First and foremost, the U.S. would not be wasting billions in the defense of Ukraine from Russian aggression. Biden’s inept handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan is what emboldened Putin to attack Ukraine. With Trump in the White House, Putin would not have dared. The results: (1) The world would not be facing the threat of nuclear confrontation; and (2) The federal government would be able to deal with the Ohio train disaster instead of shoving it under the rug.

    Biden is subverting our national security as he allows the Mexican border to remain open, reinstates the Iran deal, provides support to the Palestinians, cuts back on the military, suffers Chinese spy balloons to overfly our military bases, and ignores China’s aggressive stance with respect to Taiwan and the South China Sea. None of this would be happening with a Trump administration. We would not be trying to cope with millions of unvetted illegals crossing into the U.S. Fentanyl imports would not be surging. China would not be encouraged to test us militarily. Every citizen would be able to sleep more soundly, knowing that our country’s security is in strong hands.

    When Trump left office, inflation was flat at 1.5%. If he had prevailed in 2020, it would still be 1.5% — not 10%. In the absence of Biden’s reckless spending and his attack on fossil fuel, it is reasonable to conclude that gas, food, and energy prices would revert back to normal instead of causing misery for the average American family. Trump’s policy of reducing taxes on individuals and corporations would continue to improve the economy. Trump would have said yes to the Keystone XL Pipeline, the U.S. would still be energy independent, and there would be no need to beg oil from Venezuela and Saudi Arabia.

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