The 3 Wars Of The Apocalypse


    by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

    The sound of war drums is getting louder all over the globe.  In this article, I want to give you an update on the three major conflicts which will define World War III.  In the years ahead it is inevitable that smaller regional conflicts will erupt at various times, but for this piece I am going to focus on the three big ones.  All of the participants have been preparing for war for many years, and now tensions have reached a boiling point.  And once all three of these wars fully get going, none of our lives will ever be the same again.  The following are the 3 wars of the apocalypse…

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    #1 The United States and Russia

    The conflict in Ukraine has evolved into a full-blown proxy war between the United States and Russia.

    Russian authorities have made it very clear who they believe their real enemy is, and U.S. officials are not even trying to hide the reality of the situation any longer.

    Our politicians in Washington keep telling us that “we are in it to win it”, and on Friday another gigantic package of “military aid” was announced…

    The Biden administration announced its newest military aid package for Ukraine on Friday worth an estimated $400 million and mainly consisting of ammunition for the weapons it has already provided.

    Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced the package, which is the 33rd drawdown of U.S. stockpiles for Ukraine since August 2021, saying in a statement, “We are again reminded of the boundless courage and steadfast resolve of the people of Ukraine as well as the strong support for Ukraine in the international community.”

    The U.S. is providing more funding for the war in Ukraine than anyone else, more military equipment than anyone else, more ammunition than anyone else, and more military intelligence than anyone else.

    Oh, and now we are actually bringing Ukrainian pilots to the United States to train them how to fly F-16 fighter jets

    Two Ukrainian pilots are currently in the United States undergoing an assessment to determine how long it could take to train them to fly attack aircraft, including F-16 fighter jets, according to two congressional officials and a senior U.S. official.

    The Ukrainians’ skills are being evaluated on simulators at a U.S. military base in Tucson, Arizona, the officials said, and they may soon be joined by more of their fellow pilots.

    But despite all of our help, the Russians continue to advance.

    In fact, it appears that the fall of Bakhmut is imminent.  The following comes from a Ukrainian news source

    The fate of the city of Bakhmut hangs in the balance this weekend, with Russian forces continuing to make gains and Ukraine blowing bridges in what analysts say is sign of possible preparations for a “controlled fighting withdrawal.”

    The British Ministry of Defence (MoD) said the Kremlin’s regular army alongside the mercenary Wagner Group forces had made “further advances into the northern suburbs of the city”, meaning the area of the city still held by Ukrainian forces is “vulnerable to Russian attacks on three sides”.

    It added: “Ukraine is reinforcing the area with elite units, and within the last 36 hours two key bridges in Bakhmut have been destroyed, including a vital bridge connecting the city to the last main supply route from Bakhmut to the city of Chasiv Yar.

    Once Bakhmut falls, the Ukrainian forces in that area are going to be in a really tough position.

    If the Russians start gobbling up big chunks of territory, Ukrainian leaders will become increasingly desperate.

    And desperate leaders can do some really stupid things.

    #2 Israel and Iran

    The second major war of the apocalypse will involve Israel and Iran.

    The Israelis are already striking pro-Iranian forces in Syria and elsewhere on a regular basis, but at some point a full-blown conflict will erupt.

    We have been hearing that the Iranians have been getting close to being able to build their own nuclear bombs for a long time, and now it is being reported that they are potentially only “about 12 days” away…

    Iran could make enough fissile for one nuclear bomb in “about 12 days,” a top U.S. Defense Department official said on Tuesday, down from the estimated one year it would have taken while the 2015 Iran nuclear deal was in effect.

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been warning us for a long time that he will never allow the Iranians to build a nuclear weapon, and it sounds like he realizes that the moment of truth is now upon us

    “The longer you wait, the harder that becomes,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said of a strike on Iran at a security conference in Tel Aviv last week. “We’ve waited very long. I can tell you that I will do everything in my power to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.”

    I believe that this war will start in a way that most people do not expect.

    And once it does start, the U.S. will inevitably get involved.

    In fact, it has just been revealed that the U.S. military already has drawn up a “concept plan” for a war with Iran…

    THE U.S. MILITARY allocated spending for secret contingency operations pertaining to an Iran war plan, according to a classified Pentagon budget manual listing emergency and special programs reviewed by The Intercept.

    The contingency plan, code-named “Support Sentry,” was funded in 2018 and 2019, according to the manual, which was produced for the 2019 fiscal year. It classifies Support Sentry as an Iran “CONPLAN,” or concept plan, a broad contingency plan for war which the Pentagon develops in anticipation of a potential crisis.

    #3 The United States and China

    When I first started warning people that we would eventually go to war with China many years ago, a lot of people thought that I had lost it.

    After all, China was considered to be a “close friend” and a highly valued trading partner.

    But now we have reached a stage where what is coming is obvious to everyone.

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