THE BIG ONE (Major Update)


    from State Of The Nation:

    When March Madness Meets God’s Judgment

    Of all the predictions we’ve ever made, this one is — BY FAR — the most likely to come to pass … and much sooner than later.

    First, let’s take a close look at the following March 4th assessment of recent California earthquake activity and its corresponding map by a longtime West Coast quake watcher. As follows:

    TRUTH LIVES on at

    Update 3/4/2023…Re: What’s GUARANTEED TO HAPPEN around March 7th, 2023 ⚡ Energy Forecast from a Geophysicist Re: Says Northern CA on San Andreas Fault Line is going to erupt soon….Re: Yet Another Warning…..Re: One more….Re: More West Coast Quake Warnings for 1st Week of March

    Submitted by GA

    Quake Country: California's Faults

    I was just monitoring the CA quake map this morning.  I’m seeing some things.  <<<this is the map of the whole state.  Total micro quakes in the past week, up to this moment are: 758.  That is on the low side.  I’ve seen it up above 1,000 before, without anything significant happening.
    But if you look closely at the San Andreas fault line, you see bing, bing, bing, bing, bing…..a bunch of micros all along the San Andreas from Monterey up to Pt Reyes.  If you also look, you will see A LOT of activity in the East Bay too.  This is unusual.  This is the Hayward fault line.  There is also quite a bit of activity (of micros) along the Calaveras fault line that is just east of the Hayward fault line, running through the Walnut Creek valley.
    So I decided to do some close ups, to see which area actually had the most micros this past week:  <<<Southern CA only has 127 micros this week.  That is on the low side.  Usually So. CA constitutes the majority of micro activity for the whole state.

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