As Democrats Complete Their Overthrow Of America, Remember, George Orwell’s 1984 Warned Us Decades Ago: ‘We Know That No One Ever Seizes Power With The Intention Of Relinquishing It’


    by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

    – Democrats Are Anti-Freedom Fascists Projecting Their Own Evil On Everybody Else

    Maybe it’s finally dawning on the fascist far left that their projection tactic has limits, and people have finally taken note of their true ideology.

    Last Friday on the Glenn Beck radio program, President Trump boldly stated what has been bloody obvious for quite some time: despite the lies and incessant projection, the anti-freedom far-left is fascist. Given the incendiary nature of that charge, the nation’s socialist media should have immediately lost what is left of their minds and overreacted in the usual way. After all, they’ve spent decades pushing their big lie that the left cannot possibly be fascist.

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    A few short years ago, that would have been huge news, but instead, there was just the sound of virtual crickets. Why? Are we so divided that they aren’t paying attention to the pro-freedom media anymore? Or does it portend something far worse for the anti-freedom authoritarians of the far left more than ever before?

    We’ll also note that they’ve spent decades trying to deny that a National Socialist German Workers’ Party was a National Socialist German Workers’ Party. If you’ve had the misfortune of dealing with the far left over the past 80 years, you have been subject to their bluffing on one of their biggest lies.

    Anti-liberty authoritarians of the fascist far left have always projected their policies on the pro-freedom side of the political spectrum. They do this to divide and confuse the issue until it is too late to stop them from seizing full control over society, while they boldly, and without shame, accuse their political opponents of wanting to seize full control over society.

    The problem for the far left is that they are running into trouble by continually using this little scam. They can get only limited mileage out of accusing their opponents of what they are doing before people start taking notice. Then everyone looks back at what they’ve said in a new light, with it being stunningly obvious that the left have just been admitting to what they’ve been doing all along.

    Now they are on what is called in aviation circles the “back end of the power curve,” where they are doubly screwed because further accusations by them will be seen as admissions. With their credibility destroyed, they can’t even try the “honesty approach.” In short, they’ve “Alec Baldwin-ed” both of their feet, and they can only blame themselves.

    It really shouldn’t seem that strange that the far left would obsess about gaslighting their fascist ideology or the fact that they are the closest in comparison to a socialist workers’ party of another nation. As we stated, the far left’s modus operandi is to invert reality, confuse the issue, take control, and suppress liberty to cling to power. Thus, lying with language and accusing their political opponents of exactly what they are doing is all part of their playbook.

    But make no mistake: they are fascists, despite the circular argument denials. If you’ve spent any time around the anti-freedom far-left, you no doubt will have heard most of the excuses. They usually revolve around the false assertion that they can’t be fascist because they can’t be fascist. Or one of their favorites that they’re persecuted by those they accuse of being “fascist.” They will state this without factual evidence and then demand that you disprove their “assertion,” doing this so they don’t have to provide any facts or prove anything — because they can’t. If they could, they would have done so decades ago and resolved the argument.

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