HUGE Cracks in the Long-Planned Conspiracy to Collapse the American Republic (Video)


    from State Of The Nation:

    The Khazarian Cabal’s Highly Complex and Convoluted Conspiratorial Plot to Destroy the United States of America Exposes Itself During Prime Time

    SOTN Editor’s Note: The following critical analysis of the video posted below was recently sent to this Alt Media platform for immediate publication.  As follows:

    This highly revealing video below portrays the primary reason why POTUS pretender Joe Biden was criminally installed by his Khazarian handlers.  His Khazarian masters quite intentionally selected a highly degenerate, demented and drug-addled career criminal at this crucial point in U.S. history.  They also chose a so-called Irish-American ‘Catholic’ to give the appearance of an avuncular and gaffe-committing occupant of the Oval Office when society would be utterly devastated by Khazarian-coordinated cultural marxists strategically planted everywhere.
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    Of course, the main positions that hold overwhelming power and influence over the American people today are found throughout Biden’s treacherous and treasonous administration.  In point of fact, virtually every key position in the highest echelons is currently occupied by a Khazarian-controlled Zionist, fake Jewish closet communist or flaming cultural marxist. What follows is a photo-documentary of this irrefutable reality.

    That’s not to say that there are not fake Catholic Khazarian agents also purposefully planted throughout the Biden administration because there are many operating at all levels, but the top crucial posts are shown above.

    What’s the essential point?!

    That the entire Executive Branch of the U.S. Federal Government is crawling with extremely dangerous Khazarian criminals of the very worst kind. Many of these Neocon Zionst traitors are working hard and fast for foreign enemies; and some of them are even duel citizens with the apartheid State of Israel.  Also, that their only objective is to permanently collapse the American Republic to further enslave the US citizenry under the rubric of their totalitarian One World Government with its capital in Jerusalem.

    What’s truly remarkable about this Senate hearing footage is how masterfully Sen. Hawley demolishes every single deceitful response by AG Garland and in glowing color.  In so doing, Hawley exposes the ugly underbelly of the Khazarian conspiracy to falsely prosecute law-abiding Christians and maliciously persecute Christianity across the USA.  For there is room for one and only one god in communism, marxism and bolshevism—the STATE.  Of course, the Khazarian Cabal also wants to be worshipped by all of humanity as those child-sacrificing satanists take up all of the leadership posts in their demonic global regime.

    What very folks are aware of, however, is that the Khazarian’s main goal is to quickly eliminate all religious faiths and spiritual traditions nationwide—FOREVER.  For only in this way can they sufficiently socially engineer the American body politic into a pen of compliance with their satanic New World Order agenda.  Then, all of the Khazarian Cabal’s mind-controlled minions will administer their planned North American Union nominally overseen by tyrants such as the hopelessly woke Kamala Harris and hardcore cultural marxist Justin Trudeau.

    — Veteran Intelligence Analyst & Former U.S. Military Officer

    SOTN Exclusive
    State of the Nation
    March 2, 2023

    N.B. Now, watch this video closely to see how brazenly U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland perfidiously lies to US Senator Josh Hawley during sworn testimony that could very well precipitate perjury charges for so many transparent falsehoods and deliberate deceptions.

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