CLAIM: Dr. Daniel B. Case of Sarasota Memorial Hospital called for his unvaccinated colleagues to be sent to “the firing line”


    by Ethan Huff, DC Clothesline:

    Sarasota Memorial Hospital in Florida is a toxic place to work, say employees speaking on the condition of anonymity.

    In addition to having to constantly endure threatening and abusive behavior by senior physicians, staff members say they are overworked. Those who are unvaccinated for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) also face relentless discrimination.

    One complaint was filed specifically against Dr. Daniel B. Case, accusing him of harassing another staff member over that employee’s decision to not get “vaccinated” for the Chinese Virus.

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    A copy of the complaint obtained by the Florida Standard claims Case said that unvaccinated people are “the reason why people are dying and why covid is spreading.”

    “When you guys get fired, then we’ll all have a party and Darwinism will do its work,” Case allegedly told the staff member, which filed the complaint with hospital president Lorrie Liang.

    “They should take you guys to the firing line,” Case allegedly added in his beratement of the employee.

    (Related: Many American hospitals are discriminating against unvaccinated nurses and other hospital staff who already have natural immunity.)

    Sarasota Memorial Hospital is an abusive organization that supports medical fascism

    Sadly, discrimination against the unvaccinated has become commonplace in the covid era. Case’s sentiments about wanting to fire his unvaccinated colleagues are shared by many others throughout the medical industry.

    Case’s alleged comments about the firing line, however, are a whole different animal. The anonymous employee who filed the complaint against him says he or she directly addressed Case’s fascism, which is what prompted him to call for the unvaccinated to be executed.

    “I want to make it clear that we do not have that kind of relationship to even ‘joke’ about that kind of thing,” the anonymous colleague of Case clarified. “That harassment made me feel uncomfortable and should not be tolerated in the workplace.”

    The employee called for a written apology from Case, but he reportedly refused. The employee was told by a superior that he or she should just let “bygones be bygones” and forget about the whole thing as if it never happened.

    Instead, the employee took the news to the independent media, which is now shedding light on the kinds of abuses taking place at Sarasota Memorial Hospital under the guise of “science-based medicine.”

    “I wonder if I said those statements to Dr. Case, would he let ‘bygones be bygones’ or would I get fired on the spot?” this person asked in the complaint letter.

    “What actions are being taken to prevent this kind of harassment from happening again? Also, what is the HR policy that protects us employees from this kind of harassment?”

    Case is apparently not the only example of medical fascism taking place at Sarasota Memorial Hospital. Under the leadership of chief of staff Dr. Jonathan Hoffberger, a hostile and abusive work climate thrives at Sarasota Memorial Hospital, according to workers.

    One physician reported that Hoffberger, a cardiac surgeon, “yells at unvaccinated patients” and tells them that he “refuses to perform open-heart surgery” on them because they insist upon maintaining their own natural immunity as opposed to permanently modifying their genetics with mRNA injections.

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