Over 60 Scientists & Drs. confirm Covid Vaccines contain ‘Toxic Substances’ that cause strange & dangerous changes to Blood


    by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

    The German Working Group for Covid Vaccine Analysis has made its ‘Summary of Preliminary Findings’ publicly available. In a wide-ranging report, the Group described the toxic substances found in all Covid “vaccine” samples analysed and the marked changes seen in blood samples taken from vaccinated people.  The Group also found that the greater the stability of the envelope of lipid nanoparticles, the more frequent the vaccine side effects.

    “In order to avert a direct and imminent danger to human life and public safety, we ask that the Covid-19 vaccination programmes be discontinued immediately,” the Group’s report stated.

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    According to WG Vaccines Education, this report was sent to all members of the Bundestag (Lower House of Parliament in Germany) and then to authorities and media – a total of over 4000 people.

    The Working Group for Covid Vaccine Analysis is an interdisciplinary working group that has undertaken the task of analysing the contents and the effects of the novel Covid-19 “vaccines.” The group is an internationally networked working group with a core team of more than 60 doctors, physicians, pharmacists, scientists, mathematicians, alternative health practitioners, lawyers and journalists.

    The Group noted that due to the unprecedented political situation that they have found themselves in since March 2020, the contents of their report have not been subjected to the customary peer-review process. However, “several highly qualified colleagues in our international network have taken a critical look at our presentations and provided feedback.”

    This summary is a preliminary, continuously evolving presentation of our research and findings on the so-called Covid-19 vaccines, as well as the effects we found on the human body and the blood in particular. The summary is intended for the public interest and to encourage further scientific discussion.

    The Working Group for Covid Vaccine Analysis continues to work in close cooperation with several international groups that are carrying out similar investigations and who have obtained results consistent with our own. The results from our analysis of the vaccines can, consequently, be regarded as cross-validated.

    There are questions that need to be satisfactorily answered by the vaccine manufacturers and, in Germany, by the Paul Ehrlich Institute (the agency of the German Federal Ministry of Health responsible for the regulation of vaccines in that country). Possible causal links between the vaccines and fatalities need to be investigated.

    Summary of Preliminary Findings, Working Group for Covid Vaccine Analysis, 6 July 2022, pg.3

    Blood Samples Examined

    The Group examined blood samples from 48 vaccinated people.

    The comparison of blood samples from unvaccinated and vaccinated individuals by means of dark-field microscopy showed noticeable changes in the blood of each person who had been vaccinated with the Covid-19 vaccines. This was evident even if those people hadn’t at that point displayed any visible reaction to the vaccinations. Complex structures similar to those in the vaccines were found in the blood samples of the vaccinated. Using artificial intelligence (AI) image analysis, the difference between the blood of vaccinated and unvaccinated people was confirmed.

    Summary of Preliminary Findings, Working Group for Covid Vaccine Analysis, 6 July 2022, pg.3

    Using a small sample of live blood analyses from both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals, they determined that artificial intelligence (AI) can distinguish with 100% reliability between the blood of the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. This indicates that the Covid-19 vaccines can effect long-term changes in the composition of the blood of the person vaccinated without that person being aware of these changes.

    Crystalline formations were found in all of the blood samples taken from vaccinated people. “We are continuing to analyse these formations,” the authors noted.  The Group also observed rouleaux formations of red blood cells in all vaccinated samples and “frequently observed an unusually rapid disintegration of the different types of cells in the vaccinated blood.”

    Below are a few of the numerous images included in the report. The image descriptions are self-explanatory.

    Analysis of Vaccine Vial Contents

    Summary of Preliminary Findings, Working Group for Covid Vaccine Analysis, 6 July 2022, pg.14

    In the first video below, a Zeiss Axiolab microscope was used to examine various batches of the Comirnaty (Pfizer-BioNTech) vaccine. At the end of the video, some blood samples from vaccinated people are shown. Structures similar to those found in the vaccine vials were also found in the blood samples.

    Comirnaty Vaccine and Blood Samples (14 mins)

    In the second video, by way of comparison, two influenza vaccines were examined. The differences compared to Pfizer’s Covid “vaccine” is clearly visible.

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