Pfizer – A Clear & Present Danger to the World?


    by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

    Of course, YuuTube removed it to protect Pfizer. They are part of the media that has been targeting free speech and wants nothing but to sell humanity down the river. Here is the link to Project Veritas off the record with Pfizer.

    In the video, there is a question if they are engaged in “gain of function” and he says no, Pfizer is experimenting to may an already human virus more potent.  What Pfizer is doing is highly dangerous. Nonetheless, it is NOT gain-of-function. There is a difference.

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    The gain-of-function is taking a virus that does not infect humans and altering that virus to “gain the function” of infecting humans. What Pfizer is doing is taking an ALREADY human infecting virus such as COVID-19, and making it more potent by accelerating its mutation process. Their vaccines have been dangerous, in my opinion, for they have accelerated mutations all on their own. A virus is like any life form. It will mutate and adapt to survive. That is its main goal. Vaccinating everyone only causes the virus to mutate to survive. This is why so many people who died were vaccinated. The virus mutated and the vaccine never prevented someone from getting COVID-19.

    Just to be fair and straight up here – there is a difference between the two processes. Pfizer realizes that their vaccines did not work and contributed to the mutation process. Personally, I prefer old-fashion types of vaccines and the days when governments protected the people instead of taking bribes to force people to do things than make no sense.

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