World Economic Fuck’em


    by Quoth the Raven, QTR’s Fringe Finance:

    Nothing more than an unelected globalist government slowly emerging behind the curtains, eager to abscond with your rights and tell you how to live. Really…nothing to see here.

    Among the many wretched, slimy and odious things that are increasingly giving me the creeps as the sands of my life’s hourglass continue to fall is the World Economic Forum: a collective of self-righteous global elites handing down virtues, values, lessons, lectures and political initiatives to us peons out here in the rest of the world.

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    The “Forum” is increasingly starting to resemble a globalist government, stocked with globally unelected turbo-douchebags, who have been assembling quietly in the background while no one has noticed.

    One minute you’ve never heard of them – did you know the WEF has been around for about 5 decades? – the next, the “Forum” is harboring incredible influence, mostly with “useful” bureaucratic idiots on the left who are happy to take their cues on how to napalm individual rights for betterment of advancing their agendas from anyone who will help, regardless of their motivation.

    WEF Founder Klaus Schwab, either giving or receiving some bullshit “Global Citizen Award”, which no normal person has ever heard of or cared about.

    That’s right: gone are the days of joking about The Great Resetowning nothing and liking it and shifting to a diet of mealworms and crickets.

    I’ve arrived at a point past that – a point of being sickened by watching people that in no way, shape or form represent me or the people in my life, yammer on about what my future will or won’t look like and what things I stand for are “right” or “wrong”.

    It’s right in the WEF’s mission statement:

    The World Economic Forum is an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.

    The truth is no matter how much each narcissistic and likely psychotic guest would love to speak on behalf of millions, or even billions of people, they simply don’t.

    I don’t expect these people to understand the consequences of painting with a broad brush, nor do I think they care about them. Take the Covid vaccines as an example. Isn’t the idea of jabbing every single person on Earth, regardless of age, health status and lifestyle (lest we forget whether or not they consent to it) wildly reckless?

    Of course it is. But it doesn’t matter – because someone wanted it to be done…and, with that, it was put into action.

    Covid World Vaccination Tracker - The New York Times
    Source: NY Times

    Wild, right? This unilateral implementation of mandates during Covid, regardless of what the individual may want for themselves and their families, was authoritarian catnip to the dingleberries that assemble at the World Economic Forum every year. I’m certain it has enabled many participants to think: we did it with vaccines – we cut them off from travel, we put their jobs and their livelihoods on the line and we even arrested and jailed them – now we can do it with anything else.

    I don’t need to be in Davos this week to understand how little I have in common with the people of the World Economic Forum. I know this because I was recently in Washington DC during the International Monetary Fund’s most recent circle jerk world conference.

    Anybody that thinks that these are gatherings of people who live like them and represent them are sorely mistaken: I’ve never seen so many Rolexes, Bentleys, hundred thousand dollar outfits and, most importantly, armed security, as I saw within the 10 square block radius of the IMF that week.

    It was a festival of global “ambassadors” that collectively looked like an amalgam of every corrupt Bond villain you’ve ever seen.

    With that in mind, let’s have a look at what high quality ideas the Forum…has put forth this year to “shape global, regional and industry agendas”.

    Everybody knows that fear is the best way to get people to listen up and do what you say (see: vaccinations, Covid, Fauci et. al pgs. 1-∞). With that being said, the Forum led off with some lighthearted banter, including the proclamation that “we are now facing…mass extinction” and “humanity’s future is at risk.”

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