New World Order Trailblazers Soon to Meet in Davos as Biden Builds Himself a Wall


    by Tom Renz, Esq., America Outloud:

    I’ve been calling out republicans in the Senate on almost every show, and for good reason. There are far too many in office selling our freedoms to the enemy ⏤ one million from Pfizer to ED-Leader Mitch McConnell, anyone? We need more BDE in politics, if for no other reason than because the globalists hate it. They are doing everything they can to make us weak and ineffective. My favorite, and possibly the leader of BDE, Kari Lake, came out on top of a recent poll showing that if she were to run for Senate in 2024, she’d be winning and not by a little, but a lot. Of course, we know it would have to be by a HUGE margin in order to get past the cheating going on down in Maricopa County. However, it is interesting to see the numbers in this poll right on the heels of her “loss” and ongoing election fraud lawsuits in AZ. We need more Kari Lake BDE in the Republican Party, and we also need to rid ourselves of the debilitating ED and flaccid leadership coming from the RINOs like #EDLeaderMcConnell.

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    The Democrats have been telling us forever that walls don’t work, so I found it particularly interesting that Biden has recently worked out a deal to build a 500k wall around his beachfront property in Delaware. I’m sure it will keep criminal illegal aliens off his property and, most importantly, protect all of the classified documents he has hidden in his garage. Walls at the southern border are worthless, but walls around his beachfront home are effective at protecting his valuables.

    Yuval Noah Harari has repeatedly and enthusiastically been pondering what Hitler and Stalin could have done if they had the technology he’s promoting available. Interestingly no one is outraged at this in the mainstream media. Kanye West has a purported anti-semitic friend over for dinner with Trump, and the world is outraged; Harari says he wishes Hitler and Stalin had more technological support to succeed in their mission of world domination, and there’s nothing but crickets. I’m sure the WEF has nothing to do with this. I’m equally sure the Ivy League universities, New York Times, and Ted Talks will quit inviting him to promote his evil… right after Obama, Bill Gates, Zuckerburg, and the other globalist quit singing his praise.

    While we are on the subject of the WEF, it’s important to note that their big shindig in Davos is coming up soon. I encourage you to look at who’s attending this meeting of global elitist masterminds. Brian Kemp is going; we know he likes election fraud, but come on, Georgia, you can do better. Mike Gallagher from WI, Christopher Ray, of course, Tony Blair, Gates, Soros, Sinema from AZ, James Risch from Idaho, and surprisingly even a rep from Florida, Maria Salazar, of course, there are many more. They’ve also brought in 5k troops to protect this elite group of New World Order trailblazers. I don’t know about you, but I couldn’t spend more than five minutes at this event, and I would want nothing to do with it. I’ll end with this, let’s all pay close attention to what they say regarding the death jabs. It will be very difficult for them not to address the rise in deaths worldwide and that these bioweapon death jabs are working exactly how we said they would.

    You’ve heard me talk about the Catholic Church; I am Catholic in Faith Only, #CIFO. I say this because the Pope is not my Pope. I want to see change within the Church, and for that reason, I will continue to stand inside and fight for reform. Catholicism stands for freedom, and faith is freedom. Freedom is at the core of all faith. If the Pope is speaking on the side of the globalists and pushing political propaganda, he is not a representative of the Church, and he needs to be called out. God could have made us all slaves. However, he wanted us to have the option to choose; that is the definition of faith. Faith and freedom are the same things; without freedom, there is no faith.

    Africa is only 6% vaccinated, the least vaccinated continent in the world. There must be mass hospitalizations and death occurring, right?

    It seems that this isn’t the case, though. How can this be? We have unexplained deaths occurring everywhere, and higher rates of unexplained deaths consistently overlap with areas of high vaccination rates. The data is overwhelming, and they can’t hide it from us any longer.

    Just yesterday, I heard of a young girl that died suddenly in my area, only five years old. I immediately called for the family to disclose if she was vaccinated. I know some people will accuse me of being insensitive for asking, but I stand by it and encourage you all to do the same. Demand that the vaccination status of all deaths be shared publicly. We deserve to know, and most importantly, this information could save lives, and give another family the information they need to make the right decision.

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