A Revolution in the Minds of the People


    by J.B. Shurk, American Thinker:

    “What do We mean by the Revolution?  The War?  That was no part of the Revolution.  It was only an Effect and Consequence of it.  The Revolution was in the Minds of the People, and this was effected, from 1760 to 1775, in the course of fifteen Years before a drop of blood was drawn at Lexington.”

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    Those are the words of John Adams from a letter written to Thomas Jefferson in 1815, nearly forty years after the colonies declared their independence.  Having had more than enough time to grapple with the world-shifting events the two revolutionaries helped set in motion and looking back from the vantage point of success in their endeavors, Adams understood that American victory did not belong to the historical giants of their time, but rather emerged from the thoughts and dreams of the common people.

    His conclusion is no less true today than it was back then.  Before you can transform any system, you must first liberate the minds trapped within that system.  If that sounds like an impossible task, it is not.  In 1760, the American colonies were not united, and the American colonials were loyal to a far-off king.  Fifteen years later, their revolutionary fervor turned the world upside-down.  Today, Americans are not united, and the American government appears loyal to the World Economic Forum’s king.  Consider where we’ll be fifteen years from now.  Things appear to happen awfully fast for those in power when they insist on burying their heads in quicksand.

    I make no bones about it: I have a guttural revulsion to one-world-government types who seek to rule the world by turning domestic populations against themselves.  “Divide and conquer” is the only strategy they know, and oppression disguised as altruism is the only outcome they bring.  They speak obsessively about racism not because they seek racial peace, but rather because the exploitation of such petty, ancient hatreds distracts people from the real problems those with power continue to create.  They preach about “climate change” not because they fear that our planet is coming to an end, but because scaring humanity into handing governments complete control over the use of energy hands governments complete control over humanity as well.  They hyperventilate over COVID variants today not because they seek to save lives, but because they seek to monitor and manipulate every movement of every life from here on out.

    Just this week, the World Health Organization is putting the finishing touches on a set of amendments to its International Health Regulations that seek to further weaken American sovereignty and empower bureaucrats in faraway, foreign offices to bully ordinary Americans in the name of “health.”  The Liberty Counsel, a nonprofit dedicated to religious freedom, has done an excellent job going through the forty-six pages of proposed amendments to highlight a few of the most obscene:

    – In Article 1, the WHO is transformed from an advisory body to a governing body whose “standing recommendations” may be legally binding.

    – In Article 3, the agency seeks to remove any formal limitations upon its power formerly requiring it to maintain “respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons,” and instead replaces this language with a Marxist commitment to “principles of equity, inclusivity, [and] coherence.”

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