Biden, Trudeau and AMLO Release the “Declaration of North America” – Prepare your Affairs Accordingly


    from The Conservative Treehouse:

    Joe Biden, Justin Trudeau and Lopez-Obrador released an action outline called the “Declaration of North America.”

    The DNA is a declaration centered around six pillars: 1) diversity, equity, and inclusion; 2) climate change and the environment; 3) competitiveness; 4) migration and development; 5) health; and 6) regional security. The action-oriented outline provides the roadmap for the ideological intentions of the three governments.

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    I would strongly urge everyone to review the declaration [READ HERE], because just like a 5-year financial plan, every family should first know the scale of the chaos they are going to encounter in order to make plans to secure their life.

    The declaration does not need much interpretation to be understood, this is the framework for how the United States, Canada and Mexico see the future of North America.

    Unfortunately, only a miniscule number of Americans will read the Declaration, and yet it is information like this that tells you the intent of government in our life.

    As an example, ask the next person you see advocating for Harmeet Dhillon as RNC Chairperson, or Ron DeSantis as a viable 2024 candidate, what the Declaration of North America means and how will Dhillon or DeSantis operate to change the direction of the DNA intent.

    I guarantee you not a single person will have any clue what you are talking about, and every single one of them will look at you like a cow just licked them on the forehead. If my assumption is incorrect, I will eat a plain rice cake live on your selected TV show or podcast.

    CTH will never stop fighting against the totality of the corrupt system, yet it is increasingly frustrating to see decent people maintaining the cycle of abuse from both the Republican and Democrat wing of the UniParty.

    (1) We need to get as self-sufficient as possible.

    (2) We need a worker’s rebellion, a movement similar in effect to the Solidarity movement.

    All cultural and social issues are downstream from the ability of an American to live in a sovereign nation as a sovereign individual.  If we do not have control over our personal economic decisions, we are serfs.

    Focus discussions with the working-class community; focus on the principles of economics and national stability that comes from economic security.  I am increasingly convinced the working-class is where the solution to this mess is going to come from.

    Those who control government, the corporations who pull the strings, know a worker’s strike is risk to their effort and they are doing everything to create systems and processes that would avoid one.  Uncontrolled mass economic migration is a countermeasure to dilute the ability of a worker’s strike to impact political outcomes.

    They are few, we are still many – but losing ground and need to work with urgency.

    Instead of trying to plug the dam with fingers and toes, invest in scuba gear for your family.  Once secured, then move upstream to the origination of the inbound flows.

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