The Swamp Stays Full As Kevin McCarthy Wins On The 15th Ballot, Ensuring Relentless Chaos For Months To Come In Both Chambers Of The House


    by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

    The Swamp not only stayed full with the 15th ballot election of Kevin McCarthy, it has noticeably expanded with Senate leadership of Mitch McConnell

    Remember when they used to call elected politicians ‘civil servants’ who were sent to the hallowed halls of Washington to ‘do the people’s business‘? Lol, if you are under 30, you just thought I made that up, didn’t you? Because if you’re under 30, or even under 40, you do not remember a time where politicians were servants or when the did any business besides their own. Welcome to The Swamp 2023.

    TRUTH LIVES on at

    “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.” Proverbs 29:2 (KJB)

    Look anywhere you want in the Senate, Congress, the White House or the Supreme Court, and what do you see? You see people, driven by various agendas, working to enrich themselves either overtly or covertly. We rightly see people like Nancy Pelosi of the Democrats an evil influence, but she has a mirror image counterpart in the GOP in Mitch McConnell. You don’t drain the swamp, The Swamp drains you.

    Kevin McCarthy Clinches Speakership on Historic 15th Ballot

    FROM THE ASSOCIATED PRESS: Republican Kevin McCarthy was elected House speaker on a historic post-midnight 15th ballot early Saturday, overcoming holdouts from his own ranks and floor tensions that boiled over after a chaotic week that tested the new GOP majority’s ability to govern.

    “My father always told me, it’s not how you start, it’s how you finish,” McCarthy told cheering fellow Republicans.

    Eager to confront President Joe Biden and the Democrats, he promised subpoenas and investigations. “Now the hard work begins,” the California Republican declared. He credited former President Donald Trump for standing with him and for making late calls “helping get those final votes.”

    Republicans roared in celebration when his victory was announced, chanting “USA! USA!”

    Finally elected, McCarthy took the oath of office, and the House was finally able to swear in newly elected lawmakers who had been waiting all week for the chamber to formally open and the 2023-24 session to begin.

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