The Ghost of ‘Covid’ Returns Once Again: Awakening the Dead?


    by Gary D. Barnett, Lew Rockwell:

    “If you aren’t destroying your enemies, it’s because you have been conquered and assimilated, you do not even have an idea of who your enemies are. You have been brainwashed into believing you are your own enemy, and you are set against yourself. The enemy is laughing at you as you tear yourself to pieces. That is the most effective warfare an enemy can launch on his foes: confounding them.”

    Bangambiki Habyarimana, Pearls Of Eternity

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    This must be a here we go again moment, as the resurrection of an already fake ‘virus pandemic’, that was said to be relatively over some time ago, is once again rearing its ugly head. It is being propagandized as yet another ‘variant’ of something that never existed in the first place; something  that is now supposedly another even more deadly strain of this imaginary enemy. This is a trick that only a master magician (or psychopath) could accomplish.

    What is this new and improved, humanity-threatening fantasy, you might ask? It is called, according to the completely controlled fake mainstream media, the more advanced offshoot of one of the claimed ‘variants’ of a non-existent ‘virus’ called ‘covid-19.’ The refreshed version is now named the XBB. 1.5, a supposed sub-variant of the covid-19 omicron variant, attacking mostly the Northeast U.S. Of course it is!

    This so-called sub-variant is actually just another in a long line of sub-plots meant to scare the hell out of  the ignorant and cowardly sheep called the American public. Hopefully, this will be seen as ridiculous as it truly is, instead of once again being believed by all the TV and smart-phone watching drones.

    As should be expected, this is being blamed on the holiday season, a time when families and friends get together to act like real humans, which is the last thing that the ruling class controllers want to see happen. My god, how could people love and seek each other’s company when the state is telling them to abandon all aspects of normal life due to a state manufactured fake ’emergency?’ We witnessed bogus propaganda about a fake ‘virus’ beginning in 2020, and beyond. Initially, this was called by geographic or country names, hence the “China virus,’ etc. Then more fictitious ‘scientific’ names called SARS CoV-2, or covid-19 were presented, and these names were replaced by Greek names, and now we have the brand new classifications that are claimed to be related to genetic, mutation-based, or “lineage” terms, which are to be changed once again to a more standard nomenclature as lorded over by the World Death Organization.

    This made-up version of a ‘virus’ mutation said to have been the outgrowth of another failed and bogus variant scam called omicron sub-variant XBB, one in a long line of such nonsensical garbage, is now just the newest delusional ‘virus’ absurdity. It was  instantly stated that it makes up 41% of all cases in the last week of December, and makes up about 75% of all cases in New England. How convenient for the technocrats whose only desire is to take over all of humanity.

    The alleged ‘concern’ of the criminal WHO and CDC is “how transmissible it is,” and how many more should receive the toxic and many times fatal bioweapon injection ‘boosters.’ The call of course, is for as many as possible to get another death shot. This so-called new strain, is said to be happening just as the fraudulent “respiratory syncytial virus,” (RSV) and flu are cooling off in the U.S. and Canada. This must certainly  be ‘coincidental.’

    Statements like some hospitals are overrun with new patients, cases are up, the old affected most, transmission from one to another is enhanced, and more injections are needed, are just the same lies that have been spread over the past three years. Some areas, especially in the targeted Northeast, are emphasizing once again that the masking of society in public places is necessary. As far as I can tell, most all of this is geared toward a continued assessing of the gullibility and compliance by the duped American population. As new ‘virus’ claims, and other threats continue to be rolled out in succession, thankfully, although many do continue to obey, many are not so quick to accept this propaganda. What this means of course, is that this test by the state will lead to either more scaremongering techniques, or more threatening false flags or ’emergency’ declarations, in order to enhance the public’s fear, so as to be able to corral the herd.

    While the threat of one ‘variant’ after another is not working any longer as the most major danger to mankind, these lies will continue until another bogeyman can replace this one, and it will be another intimidating and emotional blackmail of the psyche of the masses. At some point the “Kraken” of all threats will take center stage, and that will be the spectre of manmade  ‘climate change’ as the end of all mankind, unless the rulers take charge of all on earth in order to save humanity.

    Before the State’s end game can be accomplished, economic collapse and current money destruction must take place. This will mean the end of cash, the end of the current fiat monetary system as it currently exists, and the effective and working creation of an all-consuming digital order. This is when the organized central bank digital currency (CBDC) scheme will become the world’s new controlled monetary policy, and one that will allow for the total surveillance and use of money. It will be therefore, the controlling element over most all people. In order for this to become the primary world system, tracking, tracing, restriction of movement, aggressive social credit oversight, and enforced obedience will have to have been set in motion. These things are being aggressively pursued, and this drive toward totalitarian control will not cease so long as the masses continue to remain indifferent to reality.

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