How U.S.-&-Allied ‘News’-Media Knowingly Deceive Their Publics


    by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

    The essence of ANY imperialistic country is dictatorship, because no colonial nation (or “vassal” country) actually wants to be required to do what its imperial master (the imperial one) demands it to do — which demand is for that vassal-nation’s Government to impose upon the vassal-nation’s public the laws that the imperial nation’s rulers want to be imposed upon them.

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    The essence of empire is international dictatorship: it’s a dictatorship between nations, instead of merely WITHIN a single nation. Without that (dictatorship), there IS no empire — it can’t be held together; and, so, it cannot even exist.

    Consequently: the ‘news’-media in any imperial nation are required to deceive their publics to believe that the imperial-and-vassal, or “colonial,” relationship is voluntary, so that the public there will be deceived to think they live in a democracy — even though that’s actually impossible by the very nature of ANY empire. What this deceit requires is therefore to have a majority of the public being fools. Intelligent persons in the public thus constitute a threat to the existing rulers, and therefore must be suppressed or else eliminated. The ‘news’-media serve to deceive the majority, in order to keep as low as possible the regime’s need to use physical means of coercion. Mental means of coercion — deception — are far less expensive to apply than are physical means.

    The entire body-politic in an empire is thus based upon deceit, which must be constant (because otherwise the empire would end).

    In today’s world, there is only one empire, and all other nations are of only three basic types, in relation to the imperial one: either vassals (or “colonies”), or else sovereign and independent nations (ones that are resisting to become vassals), or else fence-sitters (which want to be at peace both with the imperial nation and with the imperial nation’s ‘enemies’ (or next victims targeted by the imperial one for conquest).

    The imperial nation is the United States. Its targeted ‘enemies’ are Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea — plus any nation (such as Syria) that is supportive of any of those four. The fence-sitters are any non-aligned nations: nations that have not yet chosen to be either for or against the imperial nation (the U.S.).

    America’s Nobel-Peace-Prize-winning President, Barack Obama, presented, to his nation’s future military leaders, on 28 May 2014, a succinct statement of what their future careers would be about:

    The United States is and remains the one indispensable nation. That has been true for the century passed and it will be true for the century to come. … Russia’s aggression toward former Soviet states unnerves capitals in Europe, while China’s economic rise and military reach worries its neighbors. From Brazil to India, rising middle classes compete with us, and governments seek a greater say in global forums. … It will be your generation’s task to respond to this new world.

    All other countries are “dispensable” — and this is appropriate because “The United States is and remains the one indispensable nation.” None other exists. He was asserting the imperialist’s fundamental ‘justification’, and especially the ‘justification” for a nation such as today’s America is, and Hitler’s nation had been, which is the ‘rightful’ slavemaster over the entire world. Hitler used the phrase “Lebensraum” to refer to that ‘justification’, but never got to apply that concept against his then-allied fascist-imperialist nations, such as Japan, because they all lost their war. America might now be starting to apply its alleged monopoly-status of being “the one indispensable nation” in order to deindustrialize its ‘allies’, in order to re-industrialize itself, by relocating its ‘allies’ factories and headquarters into the U.S.

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