Tainted Jury Pool In The ‘Trial Of The Century’: Two Jurors Have Been Selected In Proud Boys Trial So Far, One Is A Black Lives Matter Organizer – The Other Was Convicted of a DUI


    by Alicia Powe, The Gateway Pundit:

    GUEST POST BY: Randy L. Ireland, founder of Americans for Justice

    The J6 Proud Boy Leadership trial, where jurors will decide whether leaders of the Proud Boys are guilty of sedition and serve up to 20 years in prison,  began jury selection on December 19 with US District Judge Timothy E. Kelly presiding.

    Judge Kelly initially predicted the litigation of the case patriot groups are calling “The Trial of The Century” would require only  2 to 3 days to complete the Jury Selection process. But after a full week in the courtroom, just 21 of 46 jurors have been selected, less than half of the potential jurors needed have been qualified to serve.

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    Throughout the jury selection process so far, there has been increasingly evident that finding an unbiased jury pool within Washington DC – ESPECIALLY in a trial with Proud Boy defendants – will prove to be a very arduous and tumultuous task on several levels.  Contention between the government prosecutors and the attorneys representing the 5 defendants has flared up nearly each of the 5 days thus far.

    On Dec. 19, there was a dispute between attorneys over a potential jury member who testified to the court under oath that she had never been arrested or convicted of a crime. Multiple defense attorneys objected, indicating they had information that she had indeed been both arrested and convicted of a DUI. Judge Kelly immediately intervened, decided to keep this potential juror within the pool “for now” pending verification and asked that the Prosecution and Defense get together to “work something out.” The following day the same issue arose. The judge again determined the best approach was to keep her within the pool of potential jurors, which the prosecution supported while the attorneys for each of the defendants vehemently objected.

    On Dec. 23, there was a half-day before the court would break for more than a week over the Christmas and New Years’ Holidays. On that day, only a single potential juror was qualified, and even THAT juror – to any objective observer – should not have happened!  The qualification of this potential juror led to what has been described by eyewitnesses in the courtroom as an “explosive and fiery” exchange between the lead prosecutor, AUSA Erik Kenerson and one of the defense attorneys, Nicholas Smith.  In this exchange, the prosecutor warned Smith is a “racist” for his line of questioning of the potential juror  – which made the entire courtroom break out into a frenzy, prompting Judge Kelly to gavel the courtroom back into order.

    That potential juror who was “qualified” that Friday by Judge Timothy J. Kelly admitted to being a top organizer for the Washington DC BLM organization!  The BLM organization is founded by admittedly “Marxist-trained” individuals that espouse socialism, communism, and globalism.  This is the very reason why this trial will prove to be so important to the present national discourse – it pits traditional Conservatism and Patriotism against the progressive ideals of Marxism, Communism, and Globalism.  This is essentially Constitutional Conservatism (Small Government, Individual Rights & Accountability) vs. Constitutional Progressivism (Large Government, Mob Rule, and the broad-stroking of Cancel Culture)

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